The Taxi and Limousine Commission has released draft rules for a new type of license called a Street Hail Livery License. This new license will allow owners and drivers of FHVs to pick up hailing passengers off the street in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens (excluding the airports), Staten Island, and Manhattan north of West 110th Street and East 96th Street.

The Street Hail Livery License is part of Mayor Bloomberg’s plan to bring legal street hail service to all five boroughs. The rules being proposed today cover drivers, vehicle owners, and base owners that are interested in purchasing this new license.

To make sure drivers, vehicle owners and base owners fully understand the details of these proposed rules, a complete version is now available on our Web site under Proposed Rules, at On our Web site, you will have the opportunity to give feedback on these proposed rules. We implore all interested parties to do so, especially before the scheduled public hearings on them so that we may have enough time to process and understand your feedback.

The Commission held a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on March 22, 2012 at which the public and interested parties were invited to submit comments and testimony on the proposed rules. The hearing was held in the Commission’s public hearing room at 33 Beaver St., New York, NY on the 19th Floor.

The Commission will also hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 19, 2012. The hearing will be held at the Brooklyn Borough Hall, 209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, New York. We strongly encourage you to testify at this hearing so that the Commission will have adequate time to process your comments.



The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a smartphone application that will allow passengers to pay their cab fare with their smart phone. Paying via smart phone could enable passengers to receive receipts by email, helpful for locating lost property or filing compliments/complaints, and potentially allow them to accumulate “points” or “rewards” through a frequent riders program among other benefits.

While fare payment is the primary focus, the TLC is also interested in other functions such as:

The app would be developed and implemented at no cost to the City, and would be free of charge to passengers. However, there is potential for financial returns for the developer through the collection of credit card processing fees and advertising. Instructions for accessing the RFP are contained in the Notice of Solicitation.


PIN: 156 12P00120

The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) is releasing this RFP in order to contract with a software developer that will create a smart phone application (“app”) for use in for-hire vehicles. In the past, developers have created stand-alone apps without coordination with service providers or regulators. The TLC aims to take a new approach by contracting with a developer to create an app with one or more functions that would enhance the City’s for-hire vehicle services and improve both customer and driver experiences.

A contract, if any, will be awarded to the respondent whose proposal is determined by the City to be most advantageous to the City and its license applicants taking into consideration price and other factors and criteria set forth in the RFP

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The initial contract term will be for a period of two (2) years with a TLC option to renew the contract for three (3) separate one year terms.

The RFP package has been available for pick up beginning Friday, March 16, 2012.

The RFP can be obtained from the office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays, at 33 Beaver Street – 22nd Floor, New York, New York 10004 or via the City Record website:

Click on “Visit the City Record On-line (CROL),” then on “Search Procurement Notices.” Search using the PIN listed at the top of this announcement. You must register with the site in order to download the RFP. All parties who obtain the RFP package, electronically or otherwise, must provide: the organization’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, a contact person, and that person’s e-mail address. RFP packages will not be distributed without the above information.


Friday, April 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM Location: Commission Hearing Room, 33 Beaver Street –
19th Floor, New York, New York 10004

(Attendance by proposers is optional, but highly recommended by the TLC. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to be processed by building security).

TLC will start the pre-proposal conference promptly at 11:00 AM. Proposers should limit their representatives to no more than two per organization. Food and drink are not permitted in the hearing room.

For questions pertaining to this solicitation please contact Jeremy Halperin at or (212) 676-1031.


On February 23, 2012, the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the development of an Enhanced Taxi Driver Education Training Program. This is an important step to improve the current education method in order to further enhance the professionalism of licensees and expand and enhance upon the licensees abilities to deliver exceptional services to the riding public.

Among the scope of services we are seeking to initiate are:

English proficiency assessment, development and delivery of the current training curriculum for all aspects of driver training including, but not limited to:

Test design and administration

The RFP package is available for pick up and can be obtained from the office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays, at 33 Beaver Street – 22nd Floor, New York, New York 10004 or via the City Record website:

Click on “Visit the City Record On-line (CROL),” then on “Search Procurement Notices.” Search using the PIN 156 12P00073. You must register with the site in order to download the RFP.

All parties who obtain the RFP package, electronically or otherwise, must provide: the organization’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, a contact person, and that person’s e-mail address. RFP packages will not be distributed without the above information.

For questions pertaining to this solicitation, please contact Jeremy Halperin at or (212) 676-1031.


The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (“TLC”) invites interested technology service providers to submit applications to participate in a pilot program to test alternatives to existing in-taxi technology systems.

In order for your proposal to be considered for participation in this pilot you must submit by May 4th, 2012, a proposal that:

(a) Adheres to the pilot proposal requirements of Chapter 52 Section 24 of the TLC Rules;

(b) Employs an innovative approach to proving passenger content;

(c) Offers most of the features currently offered by TPEP hardware systems including a passenger monitor, driver monitor capable of communicating with the taximeter, and credit card processor;

(d) Offers trip data in a manner prescribed by the TLC;

(e) Offers a lower credit card processing rate than currently available through TPEP vendors;

(f) Is affordable for medallion owners and drivers;

(g) Specifies how the proposed technology systems would depart from otherwise applicable requirements;

(h) Complies with all Federal, State and local safety laws;

(i) Describes any effect the pilot program would have on the safety of operations involved in the pilot program, and;

(j) Specifies criteria by which the value of the innovation can be measured after implementation of the pilot program such as owner, driver and customer satisfaction, impacts on transportation and traffic, accrued benefits, and safety.

The pilot program can last up to February 15, 2013 or the expiration of any renewals of the current TLC TPEP contracts whichever is later. Participants must be able to report to the Commission on a basis decided by the Commission. To apply, interested parties should do as follows:

Refer to the Resolution Approving Square Mobile In-Taxi Technology Pilot Program on TLC’s website at The notice of opportunity to participate is also available at If you're a finalist you may be asked to do an in-person interview. The interviews will take place in New York City.

From among qualified applicants the TLC will select one final participant.

Additional Information and Questions:

TLC's web site ( has additional information about this pilot program. If you have additional questions about the Resolution for Alternative In-Taxi Technology Systems pilot program please contact:

Seth Melnick, Policy Analyst, NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission.


The New York City Taxis and Limousine Commission (“TLC”) hereby approves a pilot program pursuant to Section 52C of the Commission's rules, to test alternatives to existing in-taxi technology systems (the “Pilot Program.”)

The TLC was approached by Square, Inc. (“Square”) with a viable proposal for a mobile in-taxi technology system. TLC would like to test Square’s system on a pilot basis. Additionally, the TLC invites the two currently authorized providers of in-taxi technology systems, also known as the Taxicab Passenger Enhancements Program (“TPEP”), Creative Mobile Technologies (“CMT”) and Verifone Inc. (“Verifone”) to submit proposals for alternative in-taxi technology systems which the TLC may evaluate on a pilot basis.

The TLC also invites other interested parties to submit, within 60 days of approval of the resolution, proposals for alternative in-taxi technology systems. TLC will select up to one additional provider to participate in the Pilot Program. All pilot participants (“Participant(s)”) must meet the durability, operational and security standards as set forth by the TLC.

Square’s proposed alternative in-taxi technology system is powered by Square’s payment processing technology that utilizes mobile devices and purpose-built hard mounts specifically for taxi use (a “Mobile Technology System”). Square’s Mobile Technology Systems will be similar to TPEP systems currently in yellow medallion taxicabs, and offer most of the features currently offered by TPEP vendors and units.

Like TPEP, the Mobile Technology System will have a passenger information monitor, hard mounted in the passenger area of the vehicle, and a taxicab driver information monitor which will interface with the meter and aid the taxicab driver in performing his duties while the systems are recording trip data.

Like current TPEP systems, the Square’s proposed Mobile Technology System will also be capable of recording and storing trip sheet data, processing credit card payments, and enabling communication between the TLC and taxicab driver and between the medallion owner and taxicab driver. Additionally, the Mobile Technology System proposed by Square will offer new and different technological interactions and improved experiences for taxicab drivers and passengers, the possibility of lower credit cards rates and a faster driver payment turn around.

The test of Square’s Mobile Technology System will allow the TLC to determine whether or not it is feasible to use an iPad, employing apps in lieu of the current passenger information monitors, to use an iPhone in lieu of the current driver information monitor to interface with the meter and to evaluate the cost savings, if any, to be had by using the Mobile Technology System. The Pilot Program will also allow the Commission to gather information about the strengths, weaknesses and issues surrounding the use of the Mobile Technology System to provide a better, more seamless payment experience for taxicab riders.