The Easter Seals Project ACTION Taxicab Toolkit

America is home to more than 54 million people with disabilities who work, play, shop, vote, pursue an education, raise families, and volunteer in their communities. In 1990, Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the civil rights law that ensures individuals with disabilities access to employment, education, state and local government programs and services, businesses, telecommunications, and public transportation.

Congress originally commissioned Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) in 1988 as a research and demonstration project to improve access to public transportation for people with disabilities. With the passage of the ADA two years later, Project ACTION’s goals expanded to help transportation operators implement the law's transportation provisions. ESPA is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration. Easter Seals Project ACTION promotes cooperation between the transportation industry and the disability community to increase mobility for people with disabilities under the ADA and beyond.

ESPA’s newest product is a Taxi Toolkit. The Taxi Toolkit is a compilation of training resources to provide taxi drivers and operators with tools for providing good customer service to passengers with disabilities. The kit includes print materials and a CD with downloadable electronic files operators may use for a driver self-study or a driver group-training course. The Toolkit study course includes:

Click here to see a flyer/announcement telling you how to order this free product.



TLPA’s 92nd Annual Convention & Trade Show

In the August and September issues of TLC Magazine I wrote about TLPA’s 92nd Annual Convention & Trade Show that is being held in Los Angeles, October 28-31, 2010. This one of a kind gathering of For-Hire Transportation Fleet Owners will offer you quality programming, valuable networking, an opportunity to learn and share ideas with industry experts and world leaders, build new partnerships and relationships and expose you to the latest and greatest products and services in our industry via TLPA’s most anticipated Trade Show! There is still time to register to attend this important meeting. Go to the following link for more information:

Hal Morgan, TLPA’s Executive Vice President, provided this article. You may contact him at