By New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission Commissioner/Chairman David Yassky
So, here we are, at the very beginnings of a three year project to bring quality street hail taxi service to the millions of New Yorkers that have never before had it in their communities. We are already seeing interest in the project in excess of what we had optimistically anticipated.
By the time you read these numbers they'll be a bit outdated:
- As of July 13, we have almost 7,000 permit requests - more than the number of available permits for this year.
- We have issued almost 400 permits.
- Forty-two licensed livery bases sprinkled throughout the city have earned Street Hail Livery endorsements with about five times that number still waiting patiently to be processed.
- At this point, there are many dozens of cars in various stages of modification, either painted Apple Green or equipped with a brand new taximeter and roof light, or both, awaiting finalization of their LPEP installations, and their affiliations to Street Hail Livery bases.
- So far, we have successfully hosted two of four of the Information Fairs we had planned for Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island to help the many interested livery drivers navigate the process.
As you can see in the photo below, by the time you read this we'll have heard every question and answered every question there is to answer!
Drivers also had the opportunity to see a number of vehicle models (see a few above) available for lease if they choose not to modify an existing vehicle.
So, here we are on the verge of seeing all our hard work and the herculean efforts of so many in the livery industry coming to fruition. I have every expectation that we will soon see the first appreciable batch of apple green SHLs serving their communities, and reaping the rewards of their patience. Good things come to those who wait!
In other good news, I am pleased to report that, by the time you read this, you will be able to submit a renewal payment for all TLC license types online, regardless of what industry you serve, and regardless of the license you hold. As many of you know, we've been working diligently toward this goal for some time now, and we are downright thrilled to be able to bring this service to our licensees. Less time at the TLC, more time doing what you do best, serving your communities and providing for your families.
Visit the TLC web site at for details.
Stay cool, everyone . . . until next month!
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