ARIES: You are up to a challenge that faces you now. Show your resolve
if only to yourself. Hugs and kisses are coming your way. Show that
you appreciate the extra attention.
TAURUS: If you're in a know-it-all mood, remember that your way is not
the only way. At home, your soft touch is needed to encourage family
harmony. At work, give your boss a break.
GEMINI: Summon all your brain power for the second week of November.
The coming mind storm will take all you can give. After that, your playful
side takes over, and you can relax.
CANCER: Though November is a tranquil time for Moon Children, they will
encounter more than one challenge. Trust yourself and your decisions.
A child needs you, but which one?
LEO: Though Leos are the natural schmoozers of the zodiac, their talents
will be tested over the coming holidays. Be the social butterfly, but
take time for exercise. Watch your diet.
VIRGO: At work, you could be set into a new game this month. Play with
confidence and avoid feeling guilty when you win. Enjoy your home as
the new moon rises on the 25th.
LIBRA: Lucky you, hospitality blooms in your stars just at a time you
will be entertaining. Don't overload your schedule and spoil it. Tie
up loose ends before the Thanksgiving break.
SCORPIO: Remember that faith is the magic ingredient that makes things
possible, but choose your causes with care. An unexpected call brings
good news near your birthday.
SAGITTARIUS: Ease another's jealousy or anger with kind words. Get your
financial house in order and plan to spend a little less on Christmas
this year. Creativity is more important than cost.
CAPRICORN: Your boss will be needing you more than usual, so be prepared
to give an extra effort. It pays off in the future. Accept an invitation
to Thanksgiving dinner, or eat out.
AQUARIUS: The first week is a time of open communication, an advantage
for you in resolving an issue. But would it be better to lighten up
and decide it's not that important after all?
PISCES: Too much wishful thinking will stress you out. Keep your eyes
on reality and what you can do now. Around Thanksgiving, work on your
marriage or relationship. Be loving and have fun.
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