Brooklyn Bridge Marriott • New York City

NYC 2009 Conference Agenda

The 22nd annual conference of the International Association of Transportation Regulators (IATR) will feature the theme of technology and be held right here in New York City at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott from September 13 to 16. IATR is an educational organization, dedicated to informing the public and the business community about the ways in which effective transportation regulations should work, thereby keeping communities on the move in the safest way possible.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

12:00 – 4:00 pm

Board of Directors Registration

IATR Board of Directors Meeting

Sunday, September 13, 2009

12:00 – 5:00 pm

IATR Board of Directors Meeting


3:00 – 5:00 pm


6:00 – 9:00 pm

Welcome and Reception Speakers:

Malachi Hull, IATR President

Matthew W. Daus, IATR President Elect & Conference Host

Introduction of Sponsors

Presentation by NYC & Co. (NY City’s Tourism & Marketing Office)

Visitors’ bureau staff will be available to provide information and answer questions about NYC sites, events and attractions for conference attendees.

Monday, September 14, 2009 – Taxicab & For-Hire Vehicle Technology

The program for the day will focus on using technology to enhance service for taxicab and for-hire ground transportation passengers, as well as to benefit drivers and businesses. First, a case study will be presented on the inception, implementation and evolution of New York City’s taxicab technology service improvements (aka T-PEP), that will examine and explain all aspects of this program implement-ed by the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (NYC TLC). Second, a broader survey and regulatory discussion of credit and debit card technology and business applications will ensue.

8:00 – 9:00 am


8:30 - 2:45 pm


8:00 - 3:00 pm


Exhibits will include stand-alone taxi technology units (passenger and driver screens, taximeter, credit card swipe, etc…), video demonstrations, and actual fully equipped taxicabs on premises.

9:00 – 9:15 am

Welcome to New York City

Hon. Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Borough President

9:15 – 9:35 am

Taxicab Technology Passenger Enhancement Program (T-PEP)

The T-PEP program includes the mandatory installation in all NYC taxicabs of: (1) credit and debit card payment options; (2) rear seat passenger information screens (to convey public service announce-ments, and NY city information including tourism, news, weather, restaurants, nightlife, advertising and other content-based programming, and to complete the credit card transaction); (3) global positioning system location technology and wireless communication capabilities to facilitate payment transactions and assist in the location of lost passenger property; and (4) front seat text messaging screens for drivers to communicate important and emergency information, locate lost property, notify drivers of business opportunities to serve passengers at events or specific locations. There are three (3) authorized vendors/contractors with NY City that compete to sell the required equipment and information technology to taxicab medallion owners.

Overview and Introduction

An overview of the day’s events and the history of the development of the T-PEP program will be discussed, including pre-proposal outreach (technology summit and request for information), the procurement and proposal evaluation process, rulemaking, implementation and enforcement. A variety of options and themes will be addressed that were a part of the deliberative process, including: (1) the pros and cons of selecting one vendor vs. a market competition model; (2) whether the program should be voluntary or mandatory; and (3) whether to implement the program via a competitive procurement and contracting process, or by promulgating equipment specifications that could be met by an unlimited number of product manufacturers.

Facilitator: Ira J. Goldstein Chief of Staff New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission


SESSION 1– System Security and Acceptance Testing

This session will focus on the technology or system integration process of program implementation, including a discussion on secu-rity testing (ethical hacking) and passenger acceptance testing (including focus groups and surveys).

• Panelists:

• NYC TLC – T-PEP staff

Gary Roth/Lev Kropsky

• NYC TLC – T-PEP consultants

— Program Management & Quality Assurance
Fred Seim, CTGI

— Technology Security
John Verry, President of PivotPoint

— T-PEP Vendor Perspective
Amos Taman, President of Verifone Transportation Systems

10:45 – 11:15 am


11:15 – 12:30 pm

SESSION 2 – Contract Negotiation & Legal Issues

The first panel discussion will focus primarily on the contract negotiation process and will explore all related legal and policy aspects of the implementation of this program, including planning, rulemaking, contract drafting, and litigation. Specific areas that will be highlighted include: (a) the dynamics of contract negotiation with multiple vendors; (b) setting service level agreements; (c) penalty provisions; (d) timelines; and (e) mandated medallion owner contracts as part of the vendor contracting process.

• Panelists:

— NYC TLC counsel
Aileen Fox, Esq.,Assistant General Counsel

— NYC Law Department (Office of the Corporation Counsel) - TBD

— TLC Outside Technology counsel
Marc Lindsey, Esq. – partner, Levine, Blaszak, Block, & Boothby, LLP

— Vendor counsel
John Mascialino, Esq. – Greenberg Traurig, LLP

12:30 – 1:30 pm


1:30 – 2:30 pm

AFTERNOON SESSIONS – T-PEP Related Applications

SESSION 3 - T-PEP Data Applications & Policy Analysis

The actual and potential future use of T-PEP taxicab location data will be discussed for the purpose of policy analysis and transportation planning by regulators, including the use of such data to determine the amount of fare increases, the location of taxi stands, the role of taxicabs in overall traffic patterns, and to develop key industry data indicators to assist in making regulatory decisions.Also, the use of various software to utilize data on where taxicabs pick-up and drop-off passengers will be discussed, such as Global Information Systems (GIS) mapping technology, as well as potential marketing research uses.

• Panelists:

— Andrew Salkin, First Deputy Commissioner New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission

— Bruce Schaller, Deputy Commissioner for Planning & Sustainability New York City Department of Transportation

2:30 – 3:30 pm: SESSION 4 - Credit & Debit Cards

A survey of regulatory jurisdictions that utilize various forms of credit and debit card technology will be presented, and various products as well as their performance, data and logistics will be analyzed, including usage, the underlying economics of the payment industry and its marketing synergy with taxicabs. Topics that will be explored include: mandatory vs. voluntary regulatory approaches; tips; transaction costs; “no signature” requirements; store forward information; and impact on ridership.

• Speakers:

— Regulators (who have implemented credit/debit card systems)
James Ney, Philadelphia Parking Authority TBA

— Credit card company executives and related business stakeholders
Des Docherty,VP Product Development- Visa USA, Inc.
— T-PEP Vendor Perspective
Jesse Davis, President of Creative Mobile Technologies, Inc

3:30 – 3:45 pm


3:45 – 4:30 pm

SESSION 5 – Panel on the Future of Taxicab Technology 2.0


Personal technology columnist for the New York Times, Emmy Award-winning technology correspondent for CBS News, bestselling author, popular podcaster and blogger, accomplished musician and magician – these are just a few of his career highlights!

In an open forum setting, Mr. Pogue will moderate a panel session – in his own inimitable and humorous style – that will explore the boundless evolutionary future of the integrated taxicab technology system known as “T-PEP”.

• Panelists:

Rebecca Campbell, President & General Manager WABC TV-New York

Lindsay Notwell, Director of Marketing,Verizon Wireless

Discussion Starters will include (but are by no means limited to!):

Driver Benefits

— Navigation systems

— Enhanced driver information screens to include – traffic information and the ability to locate the nearest restrooms, gas stations and taxi relief stands or parking areas

— Driver debit cards (money deposited directly into a driver’s bank account) linked to specific benefits such as discounts on car washes, gas, restaurants, etc…

• Passenger Benefits

    — Improved passenger screen content to include PIM content

      • Programs, games

      • Driver information (a photo of the driver and license information)

      • Interactive “point of interest” maps based on cab location

      • Wayfinding (knowing location, finding best route & way back)

      • Multiple languages

      • Music & music video menu

    — Internet or WIFI capability (check email, surf web, etc..)

    — I-pod or MP-3 plug-in capability

    — Passengers with disabilities

      • Close captioning

      • Hearing loop technology

      • Accessible dispatch system compatibility

    — Real time interactivity with TLC – surveys, complaints, compliments

    — Receipt improvements, such as:

      • Driver information;.

      • Coupons, advertising, promotions;

      • Electronic delivery to an e-mail address

• General Public Safety Benefits

    — Multiple metered rate of fare & split fare capabilities

    • Group ride facilitation

    • Transit strike or major transit outages

    • Driver integrity/security – to prevent unlicensed taxi operation

    — Bar code scanners

    — Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) readers or biometrics

    — Cell phone blocking technology (for drivers, but not passengers or emergency phone calls)

5:30 pm

Tour of New York City


Tuesday, September 15, 2009 – Technology, Regulatory Administration and Accessibility.

Overview and Introduction

The program for the morning will focus on the use of various forms of information technology, telecommunications as well as highlight best practices in enforcement and administration to enhance the efficiency and performance of the regulator in an effort to meet the needs of the public.The afternoon will provide an overview on successful accessible transportation and taxicab inspection programs.

Facilitator: Susan Jones, General manager, Emergency and Protective Services, City of Ottawa

8:00 - 9:00 am


8:30 - 2:45 pm


8:00 - 3:00 pm


9:00 – 10:00 am

SESSION 6 – Internet Media Training

Session Moderator: Allan Fromberg,
Panelists: US Army Public Affairs Division

This training session will expand upon the successful media-training seminar provided at the IATR Conference in Atlanta and further explore the ever expanding and changing role that technology is playing in enhancing and developing an effective communications program for government regulators.The session will be led by the US Army Public Affairs Division who will highlight the benefits, opportunities and challenges in utilizing a variety of media relations tools such a “Blogging”, Facebook, and Twitter in communicating effectively with the public and other stakeholders.

10:00 – 10:15 am


10:15 – 11:15 pm

SESSION 7 – Management Information Systems (MIS) for the Regulator to Increase Efficiency, Enhance Integrity & Security, and Assist Policymaking

Session Moderators: Angela Morgan & James Bisson
Panelists: TBD, AMANDA Representative, Linda Anderson, Ottawa

The development, use and application of MIS and related technology products to assist in licensing, enforcement, adjudication and other regulatory functions will be explored and discussed. This session will engage regulators in trading best practices on how to structure management information systems, including the storage, retrieval and use of data.The session will also focus on technology and equipment for field enforcement officers, including presentations about successful programs, the specific technology and products available, andboththe risks and benefits for regulators to implement such programs to effectively enforce and administer its regulations.

11:15-12:00 pm

SESSION 8 – Meter Technology,Trends and Applications

Session Moderator: Diane Bertolin
Panelists: TBA

Taxicab regulators, meter manufacturers and service providers will address new developments in taximeter technology, and policy-based implications for such technology – including the setting of flat fares and gas surcharges. Commentary will be obtained from experts on the economic implications for structuring rates of fare, the logistics of automobile and meter technology, as well as the interplay with regulatory policy – including compatibility with credit/debit card, GPS and other systems. The impact of both limitations and advances in meter technology on how regulators structure fares will be explored.

12:00 – 1:00 pm


1:00 – 2:15 pm

SESSION 9: Best Practices in Technology and Enforcement to Implement an Effective Accessible Taxicab Program

Session Moderator: Susan Jones
Panelists: TBA

The concept of integrating technology with enforcement to implement a successful wheelchair accessible vehicle program will be explored. In addition, industry licensees, businesses and regulators that either deliver or regulate accessible transportation programs will discuss the various applications being deployed and best practices to meet the rising demand for service which will include a comparative analysis on the challenges benefits of using an in house service vs. outsourcing the services to the taxi cab industry.

2:15-2:30 pm


2:30 – 5:00 pm

SESSION 10 – On-Site Tours

• Tour of NYC TLC Safety & Emissions Facility (Woodside, Queens)

— The NYC TLC’s Safety & Emissions Division of its Uniformed Services Bureau houses a state-of-the-art centralized inspection facility (certified by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles), where every taxicab is inspected thrice annually (as well as limousines and other vehicles) and over 60,000 safety and emissions inspections are held each year. A tour will be held of this facility by knowledgeable staff during actual inspection hours.

• Tour of Licensed Base Operations

— An overview will be provided of various forms of vehicle dispatch technology and related systems developed for the location and dispatch of licensed vehicles, including the integration of base call centers and billing systems, the collection and analysis of data and dispatch operations, with the goal of enhancing understanding by regulators of this technology and its potential data gathering possibilities. A detailed tour and orientation will be performed by industry leaders, business owner(s) and their staff at either a livery, black car or limousine base company’s facilities, which will include viewing software, vehicle hardware and business operations.

• Tour of NYC TLC Licensing & Adjudications Facility (Long Island City, Queens)

— The NYC TLC’s Licensing & Adjudications Facility accommodates the Licensing and Standards and Adjudications Divisions. The TLC’s Licensing & Standards Division is in charge of efficiently processing license applications for over 160,000 licensed entities, including driver, vehicle, and business licenses for six for-hire ground transportation industries (taxicabs, liveries, limousines, black cars, paratransits and commuter vans). The Adjudications division is charged with the responsibility of fairly and expeditiously adjudicating all summonses and appeals for tens of thousands of violations per year, employing impartial and independent Administrative Law Judges and other court staff.There will be an option to tour both facilities during operating hours.

5:30 pm

Free Evening to enjoy New York City Various alternatives will be suggested

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 – For-Hire Vehicle Industry Technology

The program for the day will focus on industry technology trends, applications, developments and concepts to enhance passenger service and driver safety, as well as to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs and liabilities.

8:00 - 9:00 am

8:00 - 3:00 pm


9:00 – 10:30 am

SESSION 11 – In-Vehicle Security Cameras vs. Partitions/Shields

Panel members represent manufacturers, taxicab industry, and taxicab regulators. No formal presentations by panel members—but use of limited Powerpoint slides to make a point is encouraged. Respond to topics raised by facilitator or questions from audience. Panel member comments limited to 2 minutes by facilitator (timekeeper) to encourage interactive session. Encourage debate between panel members on the pros and cons of both technologies. Use open format – invite questions, comments from audience any time for any panel member.

• Facilitator: John Scott, San Diego

• Pro-Camera Panel Members:

— Security Camera Manufacturer Terry Walker,VerifEye—largest camera vendor in North America, summarize state of technology/trends in security cameras, identify cities that use cameras in US, Canada, and overseas.

— Taxicab Industry Karl Clements, Mears Transportation Group, Orlando, FL – taxicab fleet installation/maintenance of security cameras, download, and privacy protection protocols

— Taxicab Regulators Glenn Steeves,Toronto—second generation security cameras, lessons learned (routine inspections), trends in crime statistics prove effectiveness

Craig Leisy, Seattle—security cameras installed in 2005 as part of a comprehensive driver personal safety program (GPS, silent alarm, camera, driver training, dispatch procedures, driver refusal of suspicious trips), trends in crime statistics prove effectiveness, unusal taxicab murder/arson case in 2007

• Pro-Partition Panel Members:

— Partition Manufacturer Alberto Villalobos,—large partition manufacturer, summarize state of technology/trends in partitions. Baltimore study (1999) on effectiveness of partitions, identify cities that use partitions in US, Canada, and overseas

— Taxicab Industry Taxicab fleet installation/maintenance of safety partitions, effectiveness of partitions in crime prevention

— Taxicab Regulators Tom Drischler, Los Angeles—long experience with partitions in standard taxicabs (cameras in wheelchair vans), trends in crime statistics prove effectiveness

Mark Cohen, Boston—long experience with partitions in standard taxicabs, trends in crime statistics prove effectiveness

Jerry Kozubal,Winnipeg—long experience with BOTH security cameras and half-shields together, trends in crime stats prove effectiveness, driver opinions about half-shields

10:30 – 10:45 am


10:45 – 12:00 pm

SESSION 12 – In-Vehicle Cameras

Brief presentations by three NIOSH researchers leading the security camera studies to describe nature of each study and give a progress report. Use open format—invite questions, comments from audience any time for any panel member. Encourage questions about issues raised in panel Session 11.

• Facilitator: Craig Leisy, Seattle

• Panel Members: Question & Answer/ Open Discussion.

Briefing on use of accident cameras to improve taxicab safety

— NIOSH: briefing and progress report on scope of studies regarding the effectiveness of taxicab security cameras and safety partitions pursuant to a recent IATR-NIOSH Letter of Agreement.

Cammie Menendez, NIOSH – Multi-City Study

— Taxicab Industry

Scott Wallace, Burlington Taxi – results of cameras to improve taxicab safety, impact on insurance premiums.

— Taxicab Regulator:


12:30 – 3:30 pm

Driver Recognition Ceremony, Seascapes Ballroom

3:30 – 5:30 pm

Free Time

5:30 pm

Depart for Dinner Gala

6:30 pm

Dinner Gala Event

Rooftop Gardens • Rockefeller Center



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