Auto insurance covers damage to vehicles and property in crashes plus injuries to the people involved in the crashes. Different insurance coverages pay for vehicle damage versus injuries. Different insurance coverages also may apply depending on who's at fault:
• first-party insurance pays for your own losses, while
• third-party pays for losses to other people and property for which you're liable.
Losses vary widely among vehicles under all six coverages, even vehicles that are similar in size and type.
These tables show insurance losses for hundreds of passenger vehicles grouped by body style and size under six insurance coverages:
1. collision,
2. property damage liability,
3. comprehensive,
4. personal injury protection,
5. medical payment, and
6. bodily injury.
Results are based on the loss experience of 2007-09 models from their first sales through May 2010. For vehicles that were newly introduced or redesigned during these years the results shown in this publication are based only on the most recent model years for which the vehicle designs were unchanged — either 2008-09 or 2009 only. Results are grouped according to vehicle body style and then according to size.
All losses are stated in relative terms with 100 representing the average injury, collision, or theft loss for all vehicles. For example, a result of 122 is 22 percent worse than average, and 96 is 4 percent better than average. The vehicles are listed within each group in ascending sequence results. For convenience, the overall results are color coded to indicate better and worse than average. The results also are adjusted, or standardized to reduce possible distortions from other non-vehicle factors:
• operator age,
• calendar year,
• density,
• gender,
• marital status,
• model year, risk (standard or non-standard), and
• state.
• Collision and comprehensive are also adjusted for deductible amount.
These insurance loss results generally are good predictors of the experience of current versions of the same vehicle models. But when automakers substantially redesign their passenger vehicles the experience of an earlier model with the same name (but not same design) may not predict the experience of the newer design.
Insurance losses: Four-door models • Size: Small 2007-09 models
Loss results are stated in relative terms. 100 represents the average result for all vehicles in each loss coverage category. Colors indicate results in relation to the average for all vehicles:
Insurance losses: Four-door models • Size: Midsize 2007-09 models
Loss results are stated in relative terms. 100 represents the average result for all vehicles in each loss coverage category. Colors indicate results in relation to the average for all vehicles:
Insurance losses: Four-door models • Size: Large 2007-09 models
Loss results are stated in relative terms. 100 represents the average result for all vehicles in each loss coverage category. Colors indicate results in relation to the average for all vehicles:
Insurance losses: Four-door models • Size: Very Large 2007-09 models
Loss results are stated in relative terms. 100 represents the average result for all vehicles in each loss coverage category. Colors indicate results in relation to the average for all vehicles:
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