The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (“TLC”) invites interested parties to submit a request to participate in a pilot program to test video recording devices in medallion taxicabs.
The purpose of the pilot program is to explore the possibility that the installation of such video recording devices may:
• deter unsafe driving behavior, and thereby decrease the incidence of taxicab accidents;
• may document accident occurrences and facilitate a more accurate determination of accident liability, whether against or in favor of the driver and/or medallion owner;
• may facilitate improved driver training; and
• may lead to decreased taxicab insurance rates.
It is anticipated that participation in the pilot program may take up to thirteen months; after six months a formal evaluation will be conducted by the Chairperson. Participation in a TLC pilot program in no way guarantees Commission approval for the proposer’s equipment for use on a wider scale or after conclusion of the pilot program.
On December 18, 2008, the Commission voted to approve this particular pilot program without limit to the number of participants. The Commission’s resolution outlining the terms of the pilot are available on the TLC’s website:
Each participant will test its equipment using a minimum of three licensed medallion taxicabs and a maximum of twenty medallion taxicabs. The Commission approved MacBox as a participant. In order for your proposal to be considered for participation in this pilot progra you must include the following in your proposal:
(a) A detailed description of the modifications made to the vehicle, including, as appropriate, diagrams, blueprints or images;
(b) Information regarding the use of the proposed equipment in other jurisdictions;
(c) Estimates of any cost and revenue impact of the proposed innovation on affected licensee groups, such as drivers and vehicle owners, on the Commission and the City, and on the public;
(d) Specification of each instance in which the proposed equipment would depart from otherwise applicable requirements;
(e) Documentation of all relevant Federal, State and local safety compliance;
(f) Description of any effect the pilot program would have on the safety of operations involved in the pilot program; and
(g) Criteria by which the value of the innovation can be measured after implementation of the pilot program, such as:
— owner, driver and customer satisfaction;
— technological ease and adaptability;
— accrued benefits; and
— number of uses of the equipment.
Participation proposals will be reviewed in accordance with the standards of review and approval stated in TLC Rule 14-04 (see
Pilot program proposals, suggestions or ideas should be submitted by February 9, 2009 to:
David Klahr
Office of the First Deputy Commissioner
New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission
40 Rector Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10006
The proposed pilot program will test interior-mounted video recording devices that are capable of recording images of exterior events and driver behavior in medallion taxicabs, subject to chapter 14 of the TLC rules and the terms and conditions listed below. The purpose of the proposed pilot program is to explore the possibility that the installation of such video recording devices may deter unsafe driving behavior, and thereby decrease the incidence of taxicab accidents; may document accident occurrences and facilitate a more accurate determination of accident liability, whether against or in favor of the driver and/or medallion owner; may facilitate improved driver training; and may lead to decreased taxicab insurance rates.
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
1. Duration
i. Maximum of 13 months.
2. Implementation and Evaluation
i. Report to the Chairperson and Commission by pilot program participants pursuant to 8 and 9 below.
ii. Pending Chairperson and Commission evaluation of pilot performance, rulemaking could begin with publication of proposed rules 9 months after the start of the pilot.
3. Number of participants
i. Unlimited number of participants.
4. Means of public notice
i. Notice of opportunity to participate in a pilot program published:
1. City Record
2. TLC website
5. Process for selection of participants
i. Approved as a participant pending execution of an MOU pursuant to 7 below.
ii. Solicit applications from additional potential participants based on notice in the City Record and on the TLC website.
iii. Review applications based on standards set forth in notice.
iv. Including but not limited to review of proposed technology and its safe and effective deployment elsewhere.
6. Safety and visual evaluation
i. Required for all participants before start of pilot program.
ii. Conducted by Assistant Commissioner for Safety & Emissions.
7. MOUs or other binding agreements required
i. Stipulations shall include, but will not be limited to the following provisions
1. A participant is required to place equipment in at least one medallion taxicab within 2 months of signing an MOU or binding agreement with the Chairperson.
a. If no participants have signed an MOU or binding agreement with the Chairperson within six (6) months of the Commission’s approval of the Pilot Program, the program will be considered to have expired automatically.
2. No less than 3 and no more than 20 medallion taxicabs per participant can take part in this pilot program.
3. No more than 500 medallion taxicabs in total can take part in this pilot program.
4. Equipment must be removed from taxicabs in service following completion of pilot program or cancellation of MOU, unless rulemaking action is taken by the Commission.
5. Vehicles used in this pilot must have a currently licensed medallion affixed.
6. Equipment must include a video recording device as described in this resolution, and may include other data recording components such as audio and computer data collection, provided that those components are integrated with the video recording component of the same equipment.
8. Evaluation Criteria
i. Specific criteria will be finalized in the MOU/binding agreements and may include the following:
1. Owner satisfaction
a. Impact on taxicab operation
b. Any additional accrued benefits
2. Driver Satisfaction
a. Impact on taxicab operation
b. Any additional accrued benefits
3. Passenger Satisfaction
a. General passenger satisfaction with equipment
4. Technology Efficiency
a. Ease of use by driver
b. Value added to owner
c. Quality and Quantity of data recorded
5. TLC S&E inspection results
a. Regularly-scheduled inspections
6. Focus group and real-life road testing
9. Reporting requirements
i. Each pilot program participant should submit to the Chairperson a report on the first 6 months of performance based on evaluation criteria called for in the MOU/binding agreements:
1. Submitted no later than 7 months after the first vehicle is put into service,
2. Complete reports to be forwarded to the Commission one month later.
ii. Each pilot program participant will share collected data from installed devices with TLC at the request of TLC.
iii. Participants and TLC licensees should also provide additional information as requested by the Chairperson.
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