Industry Notice #13 - 03
The Commission has received inquiries from medallion owners, agents, and drivers concerning the application of Section 58-21(c)(4) to an agent or owner who, prior to adoption of Section 58-21(c)(4), contracted for the conditional sale of a vehicle to a driver which sale has not yet been completed or entered into an agreement for the finance of a vehicle.
The Lease Cap for a Medallion PLUS vehicle finance/purchase charges under Section 58-21(c)(4) (the "All-In Lease Cap") is
- $1347 weekly for conventionally powered and wheelchair accessible vehicles (58-21(c)(4)(ii)(B); and
- $1389 weekly for hybrid-electric vehicles and vehicles powered by CNG (58-21(c)(4)(ii)(A).
The All-In Lease Cap can be charged for a lease related to any one vehicle for up to 156 weeks, however, it cannot be charged at any time after title to the vehicle passes (or could have passed) to the lessee. The All-In Lease Cap can only be charged for weeks that began on or after September 30, 2012.
The All-In Lease Cap amount was set by the Commission on the assumption that the vehicle being sold is a new vehicle. Accordingly, the 156 week period in Section 58- 21(c)(4)(ii)(C) begins on the date the vehicle is first leased after hack-up.
An owner or agent who leases a medallion to a driver may charge a lease rate up the amounts specified in Section 58-21(c)(4)(ii)(A) and Section 58-21(c)(4)(ii)(B) only if the medallion is leased in conjunction with the finance or conditional sale of a vehicle as described in Section 58-21(c)(4), and the vehicle has been operated fewer than 157 weeks since the vehicle was hacked-up.
An agent or owner who leases a medallion not in conjunction with the finance or conditional purchase of a vehicle, or who leases a medallion in conjunction with the conditional purchase of a vehicle that has been hacked-up for more than 156 weeks, may charge no more than the amount specified in Section 58-21(c)(1), Section 58 21(c)(2) or Section 58-21(c)(3), as appropriate.
Industry Notice #13-05
On December 13, 2012, the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) passed rules to continue the Taxi Passenger Enhancement Program (TPEP) following the expiration of the current contracts with CMT and VeriFone.
These new TPEP rules (Chapter 75) will permit any entity which meets the TLC's requirements to become an Authorized TPEP Provider.
The current TPEP contracts with CMT and VeriFone have been extended and now expire on March 1, 2013 at 11:59 PM.
On March 2, 2013, TLC will publish, through Industry Notice and on its website, a list of Authorized TPEP Providers. Sign up for our Listserv notification service to be notified when the first TPEP Provider has been authorized.
By April 30, 2013 every medallion owner MUST enter into a contract with a TLC Authorized TPEP Provider and have TPEP equipment installed that complies with Chapter 75 of the TLC rules.
Between March 2, 2013 and April 30, 2013 medallion owners can either:
- Continue to obtain TPEP services from CMT or VeriFone pursuant to their contracts or termination assistance services provided for in their contract; OR
- Enter into a new contract with an Authorized TPEP Provider. Please send questions to
Healthcare and Disability Insurance Services for Medallion Taxicab Drivers in the City of New York
Taxi drivers in New York City work as independent contractors and, as such, do not have access to healthcare or disability coverage offered and funded by an employer.
As a way of providing assistance to New York City taxi drivers who will be required to obtain health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has adopted rules that would require taxi drivers to pay $0.06 per taxi trip. This funding will be collected for the provision of healthcare insurance services and disability insurance.
The TLC released a Request for Proposals (RFP) that looks for respondents who will use this funding to:
- Negotiate for and purchase disability insurance coverage for eligible taxi drivers;
- Educate and advise taxicab drivers on the best healthcare plans available on the New York State Healthcare Exchange, and assist these drivers in enrolling in a healthcare plan and obtaining any available subsidies;
- Conduct outreach and advertising to eligible taxicab drivers to inform them of the services described in this RFP;
- Negotiate additional health benefits and services for taxicab drivers;
- Establish and manage an interest bearing account to receive funds. Any interest generated may only be used toward funding the services outlined in this RFP; and
- Provide the TLC with regular data reporting on the respondent's efforts.
PIN: 156 13P00180
A contract, if any, will be awarded to the responsible respondent whose proposal is determined to have the highest technical merit that proposes an operating budget that is fiscally sound and an administrative fee that is competitive with market rates.
PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The initial contract term will be for a period of two (2) years, with a TLC option to renew the contract for three (3) separate one-year terms.
The RFP package was made available for download beginning Wednesday, February 6, 2013. The RFP may be obtained via the City Record website:
(Click on "City Record On-line (CROL)," then click on "Start Searching." Search using the PIN listed at the top of this page. You must register with the site in order to download the RFP.)
All parties who obtain the RFP package - electronically or otherwise - must provide: the organization's name, address, telephone number, fax number, a contact person, and that person's e-mail address. RFP packages will not be distributed without the above information.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 11:00 AM
Location: Commission Hearing Room, 33 Beaver Street
19th Floor, New York, New York 10004
Attendance by proposers is optional, but highly recommended by the TLC. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to be processed by building security. TLC will start the pre-proposal conference promptly at 11:00 AM. Proposers should limit their representatives to no more than two per organization. Food and drink are not permitted in the hearing room.
For questions pertaining to this solicitation, please contact Jeremy Halperin at or (212) 676-1031.