TLC RELEASES RFP FOR NEW ACCESSIBLE DISPATCH SYSTEM The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) is pleased to announce the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the creation of a Medallion Taxicab Wheelchair Accessible Dispatch System. This System will allow wheelchair users whose trips originate in Manhattan to call 311 to request (on a 24/7 basis) a wheelchair accessible taxicab at the regular metered fare and with the highest standards of service. A parallel solution for service to wheelchair users outside Manhattan is shortly forthcoming. At the center of the need for this program is the fact that New York City has, at present, 232 wheelchair accessible medallion taxicabs, but no coordinated or practical way for wheelchair users to access them. The goal of the RFP process is to create a centralized dispatch service that will direct these taxicabs to wheelchair users whoneed them. Passengers calling 311 will be connected with the dispatcher who, based on GPS technology, will be able to determine the closest wheelchair accessible taxicab. Some of the most salient provisions of the RFP include:
"The TLC has spent considerable time and effort working with the taxi and FHV industry and the disability advocacy community on learning the best ways to match the availability of our wheelchair accessible taxicabs with the people who need them," said TLC Commissioner Yassky. "And now is the time to make use of the lessons learned to create a system that is practical, efficient, and works for all stakeholders." "We are happy to support the Accessible Dispatch program as we hope it will provide increased access to our city's taxi fleet for people who use wheelchairs and other mobility aids," said Mayor's Office for People With Disabilities Commissioner Matthew Sapolin. "My office was created with a mandate to advocate for people with disabilities which we do each and every day. As such, we will continue to aggressively pursue long term accessibility solutions for our city's transportation system." "I welcome this proposal for a wheelchair accessible taxi dispatch system to be offered to New Yorkers with disabilities," said Council Member G. Oliver Koppell, Chair of the Council's Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse & Disability Services Committee. "However, we view the proposal as a first step toward the ultimate goal of an accessible taxi fleet." When the Administration announced plans for an improved Accessible Dispatch System several months ago, we were pleased to welcome and highlight the support and participation of such industry organizations as the Metropolitan Taxi Board of Trade, the Greater New York Taxi Association, the Livery Roundtable, and the NY Taxi Workers Alliance. The RFP will be officially released today, April 21, 2011 with responses due no later than May 26, 2011. It may be viewed through www.nyc.gov/taxi. The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) was created in 1971 and is the agency responsible for the regulation and licensing of almost 200,000 yellow medallion taxicabs and For-Hire Vehicles, their drivers, and the businesses that operate and support their industries. It is recognized as the largest and most active taxi and limousine regulatory body in the United States. To find out more about the TLC, or to review its rules, regulations and procedures, we encourage you to visit our official website at www.nyc.gov/taxi or call 311 in New York City, or 212-NEW-YORK from outside of New York City THE NEW YORK CITY TAXI LIMOUSINE COMMISSION MOVED ITS HEADQUARTERS TO THE HEART OF THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT ON APRIL 11, 2011
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