TLC’s driver pay rules establish a minimum per-trip payment standard for all drivers working for High Volume For-Hire Services. For more information visit High Volume For-Hire Service. On this page you will find the current driver pay rates for the minimum payment standard. These rates will be adjusted periodically.
Non-WAV trips:
WAV trips:
The sector-wide utilization rate is applied to all High Volume For-Hire Services unless a company petitions the TLC to use a company specific utilization rate.
Below are the rates specific to individual companies. If the High Volume For-Hire Service is not listed, sector wide pay rates apply.
Non-WAV trips:
WAV trips:
Out-of-town trips:
Standard rates apply within city limits. Outside of New York City, these rates apply:
On August 14, 2018, Mayor de Blasio signed Local Law 149 of 2018, which creates a new license category for for-hire transportation services that dispatch more than 10,000 trips per day, referred to as High-Volume For-Hire Services (HVFHS). This two-year license is required in addition to existing Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) licenses for for-hire vehicle bases. Approved rules establish the criteria for obtaining a HVFHS license, which any qualifying business must obtain to begin or continue dispatching trips in New York City.
To obtain an HVFHS license applicants must:
Businesses that currently dispatch or plan to dispatch more than 10,000 FHV trips in New York City per day under a single brand, trade, or operating name via FHV bases must apply for the High-Volume For-Hire Service license.
This license is required for all companies that meet the eligibility standards in the approved rules and the related local law.
The HVFHS license is valid for two years from approval.
No. The local law does not remove existing base requirements or change current dispatch requirements. All vehicles dispatched using the HVFHS software must be affiliated to a TLC-licensed base or they cannot be dispatched.
The HVFHS license is required for all businesses who meet the standards set in the law for the number of dispatches done per day. If a HVFHS licensee also owns or operates a base then they are required to maintain their base license in good standing, as well, to continue dispatching TLC-licensed vehicles.
It is a violation of TLC rules to dispatch any trip other than through a TLC-licensed FHV base. This rule applies to all HVFHS licensees.
The general outline of the requirements can be found in the local law and approved rules.
TLC will ask for each applicant’s business plan, an analysis of their environmental and transit impacts on the city, a mitigation plan for negative impacts, and additional data related to fares, driver income, and other aspects of operation.
The TLC application will contain more specifics for each of these components. When the application is available, it will appear on the TLC website with application deadlines provided. TLC will also directly contact businesses that we believe will need to apply for the new HVFHS license.
The license application costs $380,000 for a two-year license for each High-Volume For-Hire Service application. This fee will not be refunded if the Commission denies the application.
License renewals take place every two years. A renewing applicant must file a completed application for renewal at least 60 days before the expiration date of the license.
Yes. The required trip record information can be found in the approved rules.
Specifications for HVFHS data submission will be posted on the TLC website – both on the HVFHS license webpage and Trip Records webpage – before December 31, 2018. TLC will provide outreach to applicable businesses to ensure the new requirements are understood.