Please read this article on line in order to fully understand:

  • the traffic violation laws applicable to your ticket, and

  • how to utilize the many options offered by the TVB to satisfy the appropriate judgment applicable to your ticket.


  • Tickets issued in other parts of New York State

  • Pay TVB ticket online

  • TVB Offices

  • Tickets issued in another state

Plead to or pay a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) traffic ticket, or schedule a hearing online.

A TVB traffic ticket is a ticket for non-criminal moving violations issued in Rochester and the five boroughs of New York City.

Use this online service to:

  • Plead 'Guilty' to the ticket and immediately pay the fines, fees, and surcharges that result from a plea of guilty.

  • Plead 'Not Guilty' to the ticket and schedule a TVB hearing in the jurisdiction where the ticket was issued.

  • Pay the fines, fees, and surcharges that resulted from an earlier traffic ticket conviction.

  • Change an earlier 'Not Guilty' plea to a 'Guilty' plea and immediately pay all the fines, fees and surcharges that result from a plea of guilty.

  • Reschedule a 'Not Guilty' hearing (one time).

  • Take 'No Action' on a ticket.

  • Request to be notified when your traffic ticket has been entered into our system.

You cannot use this online service to:

  • Plead 'Guilty' if the conviction will result in the suspension or revocation of your driver license. You must appear at a TVB office.

  • Plead 'Not Guilty' online if your driver license or driving privilege is suspended for failure to answer the ticket.

  • Reschedule a 'Not Guilty' hearing after rescheduling once before.

Tickets received in Rochester or New York City

DMV's Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) processes tickets for non-criminal moving traffic violations issued in Rochester and the five boroughs of New York City. For more information about the TVB you can read our brochure.

How do I answer a TVB ticket?

You can answer most TVB tickets online. You can either schedule a hearing for the traffic ticket, or you can pay the fine and surcharge with your credit card. For more information see how to plead to or pay TVB tickets.

To answer your ticket by mail, enter your plea on the ticket and include the appropriate fee if pleading guilty.

Mail to:

Traffic Violations Plea Unit
P.O. Box 2950 - ESP
Albany, NY 12220-0950

To answer your ticket at a TVB office, follow the instructions on the ticket. Be sure to bring proof of identity such as your driver license.

What happens if I do not answer a TVB traffic ticket?

If you do not answer a traffic ticket on time, your driver license will be suspended. It is a crime to drive with a suspended license. A suspension for the failure to answer a ticket does not indicate that you are guilty of the charge. The suspension only indicates that you failed to answer the ticket. To remove the suspension you must contact the court to:

  • answer the ticket,

  • pay a $70 suspension termination fee.

What happens if I do not respond to my TVB ticket after I receive a suspension notice?

If you continue to ignore the ticket after your license is suspended for failure to answer the ticket, you will automatically be convicted of the charge. This is known as a 'default conviction.' The default conviction is equivalent to a guilty finding. The DMV then suspends your driver license for your failure to pay the fine. To terminate the suspension resulting from the default conviction, you must pay the fine, mandatory surcharge and the suspension termination fees.

Note: Some convictions can cause the suspension or the revocation of your driver license. For more information, see Suspensions and Revocations or read the DMV brochure Suppose Your License Were Taken Away.

What happens if I plead guilty to a violation that results in 5 or more points?

If you have 3 or more alcohol related convictions on your entire driving record, a plea of guilty to a violation that results in 5 or more points may result in the revocation of your license under Part 132 of the Commissioner's Regulations. You may want to consult with an attorney before entering your plea.

  • In other parts of New York State, traffic violations are processed in the criminal or traffic court of the city, county, town or village where the alleged offense took place. To answer these types of traffic tickets contact the court directly.

  • A suspension due to a traffic ticket is an 'indefinite' suspension. An indefinite suspension means your driver license or privilege to drive is taken away until you pay a suspension termination fee of $70 and have a valid driver license.

Tickets received outside Rochester or New York City Traffic tickets not issued in Rochester and New York City

Traffic tickets that are issued outside of Rochester and New York City are processed in the criminal or traffic court of the city, county, town or village where the alleged offense took place. To answer these types of traffic tickets, contact the court directly.

Traffic tickets issued in Rochester and New York City are handled by the DMV's Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB). Tickets issued for parking violations are not handled by DMV.

No matter where you receive a traffic ticket, follow the instructions on the back of the ticket and be sure to answer the ticket on time.

What happens if I do not answer a traffic ticket?

If you do not answer a traffic ticket on time, your driver license will be suspended. It is a crime to drive with a suspended license. A suspension for the failure to answer a ticket does not indicate that you are guilty of the charge. The suspension only indicates that you failed to answer the ticket. To remove the suspension you must contact the court to:

  • answer the ticket,

  • pay a $70 suspension termination fee.

Plead to or pay TVB tickets

How do I plead to or pay a Traffic Violation Bureau (TVB) traffic ticket, or schedule a hearing?

You will need:

  • your TVB traffic ticket number,

  • your DMV ID Number (Client ID Number) from your NYS driver license, learner permit or non-driver photo ID card or your full name, date of birth, and gender as they appear on the traffic ticket.

Please note that in some cases it can take several days for a ticket to be reported to the DMV. If you are certain that the information you entered is correct please continue to check this every few days.

Can I do it online?

Yes. If you have a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) traffic ticket that was issued in Rochester or New York City, you can do the following online:

  • plead 'Guilty' to the ticket and pay the fines, fees, and surcharges that result from a plea of guilty,

  • plead 'Not Guilty' to the ticket (dispute) and schedule a TVB hearing in the jurisdiction where the ticket was issued,

  • pay the fines, fees, and surcharges that resulted from an earlier traffic ticket conviction,

  • change an earlier 'Not Guilty' plea to a 'Guilty' plea,

  • re-schedule a 'Not Guilty' hearing (one time),

  • take 'No Action' on a ticket,

  • request to be notified when your traffic ticket has been entered into our system,

  • Please note that the TVB does not handle parking violations, criminal driving violations (for example, DWI) or tickets answerable in a local court. You can answer up to 10 TVB tickets per transaction session.

To use this transaction:

  • your traffic ticket must already be in our system,

  • your traffic ticket must display the words 'Traffic Violations Bureau' at the bottom (see a sample ticket),

  • the traffic ticket must be an 'open' ticket.

Can I do it online if my address has changed?

Yes, but if you plead 'Not Guilty' to one or more traffic tickets you must provide your new address so we can send you a Notice of Hearing in the mail.

If you update your address in this transaction, the update does not affect your address on your driver license or vehicle records. Learn how to change your address on your driver license or registrations.

Can I do it online if I changed my name?

Yes, but if you plead 'Not Guilty' to one or more traffic tickets, the DMV will send you a Notice of Hearing to you with your previous name.

Can I do it by mail?

Yes. Enter your plea on the ticket and include the appropriate fee if pleading guilty.

Mail to:
Traffic Violations Plea Unit
P.O. Box 2950 - ESP
Albany, NY 12220-0950

Can I do it by phone?

Yes. Most TVB tickets do not require you to make a personal appearance at a TVB office.

You may schedule a hearing or pay for a TVB ticket by calling 718-488-5710 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and selecting option 5 (it will say "For general information..."). You will need to make any payments by credit or debit card.

Can I do it at an office?

You can plead to or pay a TVB ticket, and schedule a hearing at a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB). Find a TVB near you. You cannot plead to or pay a TVB ticket, or schedule a hearing at a regular DMV Issuing Office.

What happens if I plead guilty to a violation that results in 5 or more points?

If you have 3 or more alcohol related convictions on your entire driving record, a plea of guilty to a violation that results in 5 or more points may result in the revocation of your license under Part 132 of the Commissioner's Regulations. You may want to consult with an attorney before you enter your plea.

I received a TVB traffic ticket while riding a bicycle. Can I plead to or pay it online?

You may plead to or pay TVB bicycle/in-line skate tickets in the same way as with any other TVB tickets - online, by phone, by mail or at a TVB office.

Please note that convictions for bicycle/in-line skate offenses do not require the payment of a surcharge and they do not result in points being applied to your driving record.

I am an attorney. How can I schedule TVB hearings for my clients?

If you are an attorney admitted to the Bar in New York State who wants to process 'Not Guilty' pleas and schedule hearings online for motorists who are your clients, please submit a TVB Ticket Management for Attorneys - Application for Web Access (AA-15) to the DMV.

  • If you do not have the ticket number, enter all of the other information to determine if the we can locate the ticket record. If the ticket has not been entered into our system yet, you can request to be notified when your record is updated.

  • If you plead 'Guilty', you must pay all fines, fees, and surcharges that result from the plea. You cannot plead 'Guilty' online if the conviction will result in the suspension or revocation of your driver license. You must appear at a TVB office.

  • If you plead 'Not Guilty', you must schedule a hearing at the TVB office in the jurisdiction where the ticket was issued. The transaction sets the earliest available date for your hearing. You can select a different date for your hearing, if any are available. You can change the date of your hearing once, but not within 24 hours of your hearing. If you fail to appear for your hearing:

    • you may be convicted by default,
    • you may need to pay additional fines,
    • your driver license will be suspended.

    You cannot plead 'Not Guilty' online if your driver license or driving privilege is suspended for failure to answer the ticket.

  • If you previously pleaded 'Not Guilty' to the traffic ticket, you can change your plea to 'Guilty'. You will need to pay all the fines, fees and surcharges related to the traffic ticket. You cannot make a partial payment or pay later.

  • After you select a 'Not Guilty' plea hearing date and time, you can return to the transaction one time to select a different date and time if other dates and times are available. When you return to the transaction to check for other hearing dates and times:

    • Enter the ticket number and the other required information in Step 1
    • Verify the information in Step 2
    • In Step 3, look for the ticket under 'Earlier Pleas of Not Guilty'

    If there is a button available for the ticket labeled 'Check for Other Available Hearing Dates,' you can select the button. When you then select the button that displays the word 'Continue', the page will display other available hearing dates. If there is no button for 'Check for Other Available Hearing Dates,' the hearing for the ticket or tickets was previously re-scheduled, and you cannot re-schedule again online.

    If you have rescheduled online once, or no other dates or times were available, you must contact the TVB to re-schedule your hearing.

  • You are not required to plead to or pay every traffic ticket you have during this transaction. However, if you select "Take No Action Now" for a ticket or a payment, you may:

    • be convicted by default,
    • need to pay additional penalties,
    • your driver license may be suspended or will remain suspended.

  • To enter a plea, your traffic ticket must already be in our system. If your traffic ticket is not currently in our system, you can request to be notified when your record is updated. You will be notified by email when the ticket is entered on our files. If you do not receive a notification you are still responsible to contact TVB and enter a plea for your ticket.

  • If you have more than 10 tickets, you can answer the additional tickets in separate transactions.

  • If your traffic ticket is not currently in our system, you can request to be notified when your record is updated. You will be notified by email when the ticket is entered on our files. If you do not receive a notification you are still responsible to contact TVB and enter a plea for your ticket.

  • An 'open' ticket is a ticket that has not been answered or a ticket that has been answered but not fully paid.

Tickets received in another state

What happens if I get a traffic ticket in another state?

Your NYS Driver License will be suspended if you fail to answer a ticket for a moving violation in any state except Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon or Wisconsin. Your license will remain suspended until you answer the ticket. Likewise, drivers from any state, except those from the six states listed above, will have their driver licenses suspended in their own state for failure to answer a moving violation in New York State. The New York State DMV does not record out-of-state convictions of moving traffic violations of New York State non-commercial licensed drivers, except for traffic offenses committed in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada.

If you are 21 years of age or older when you commit an alcohol or drug related driving violation in any other state or the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada and you are convicted of the violation, your New York State driver license will be revoked for at least 90 days. Out-of-state drivers ticketed in New York State should contact the Motor Vehicle Department of their own state or province about the effect of a conviction in New York State.

If you are under the age of 21 when you commit an alcohol or drug related driving violation that occurs out-of-state and you are convicted of the violation, your New York State driver license will be revoked for at least one year. If you have any prior alcohol or drug related driving conviction, your license will be revoked for at least one year or until the age of 21, whichever is longer.

The New York State DMV records the out of state convictions of any New York driver for criminal negligence, homicide, or assault which arise out of the operation of a motor vehicle and which results in death. As a result of any of these convictions, your NYS Driver License will be revoked.

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