Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that Strategic Networks Group, a world leader in broadband econometrics, ranked New York State number one in the nation for broadband activity and investment. "The 50 States of Broadband" study surveyed broadband investment activities on a state-by-state basis and determined that New York State ranked first overall in availability, adoption, driving meaningful use, growth investment, and regulation.

"The New NY Broadband Program is laying the groundwork for a strong economy by connecting households and businesses in every corner of the state, enabling New York businesses to compete on the world stage," Governor Cuomo said. "We are proud to be home to the most robust broadband program in the nation and this ranking further emphasizes our role as a leader in next generation high speed Internet infrastructure."

SNG conducted its study from February through March 2016 and provided states with an online survey to complete. 48 states participated and each responder was asked to report on five key dimensions of broadband: availability, adoption, meaningful use, growth investment, and regulation. Responses were used to rank states on these dimensions and develop a composite overall ranking.

"The Broadband Program Office is excited that New York State was selected as the overall leader in broadband capability in the nation," said Empire State Development Executive Vice President of Broadband and Innovation Jeffrey Nordhaus. "This acknowledgement underlines the Governor's commitment to broadband which is the boldest and most ambitious in the nation. While we are proud of the recognition, the BPO continues to be focused on delivering results for New Yorkers and looks forward to the results of the Phase One auction."

The New NY Broadband Program is designed to ensure that every New Yorker has access to high speed internet by 2018. The Program, along with the Public Service Commission's order approving the merger of Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications, will significantly increase broadband availability for millions of New Yorkers across the state.

Central components of the Program include:
  • New access to broadband at speeds of at least 100 Mbps; 25 Mbps in the most remote areas of the state.

  • High priority for areas and projects that most improve broadband Internet access in unserved areas, including libraries and educational opportunity centers.

  • Applications will be chosen through a "reverse-auction" process, which will award funding to bidders seeking the lowest state investment.

  • Auctions to be held within each Regional Economic Development Council region to ensure statewide allocations of funding.

Broadband is an essential component for creating and sustaining economic opportunity throughout New York State by connecting businesses with consumers and markets around the globe. While New York's broadband landscape has seen substantial improvements over the past four years, many households are still unable to fully access it. Visit the Broadband For All website for more information.

About Empire State Development

Empire State Development is New York's chief economic development agency ( The mission of ESD is to promote a vigorous and growing economy, encourage the creation of new job and economic opportunities, increase revenues to the State and its municipalities, and achieve stable and diversified local economies.

Through the use of loans, grants, tax credits and other forms of financial assistance, ESD strives to enhance private business investment and growth to spur job creation and support prosperous communities across New York State. ESD is also the primary administrative agency overseeing Governor Cuomo's Regional Economic Development Councils and the marketing of "I Love NY," the State's iconic tourism brand. For more information on Regional Councils and Empire State Development, visit and

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