Arlington, Va. — Draconian state and federal civil forfeiture laws are fueling an unprecedented rise in property seizures nationwide, according to a new national study, and federal laws are among the nation's worst. The study provides the most comprehensive examination of civil forfeiture laws and forfeiture statistics yet compiled.
The federal government's civil forfeiture scheme scores a D- in the new report, Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture, released today by the Institute for Justice. In addition to meager protections for property and due process rights, federal law gives law enforcement a strong financial incentive to take property regardless of the owner's guilt or innocence-100 percent of the proceeds.
Most state laws likewise fail to make the grade: 35 states receive a D+ or worse, demonstrating the poor state of civil forfeiture laws across the country. Two states receive worse grades than the federal government.
"Research has shown that the financial incentives baked into civil forfeiture laws influence law enforcement behavior," said Dick M. Carpenter II, Ph.D., an IJ director of strategic research and one of Policing for Profit's co-authors. "When laws make taking property relatively easy and lucrative for law enforcement, it should be no surprise to see agencies take advantage."
Under civil forfeiture laws, police and prosecutors can seize cash, cars, homes and other property on the mere suspicion that it is connected to criminal activity. No charges or convictions are required. And once property is seized, owners must navigate a confusing, complex and often expensive legal process to try to win it back before it is forfeited. Worst of all, most civil forfeiture laws give law enforcement agencies a powerful incentive to take property: a cut, or even all, of forfeiture proceeds. Such financial incentives, combined with weak protections for property owners, increasingly put people's property at risk.
Nationwide, forfeiture revenue has exploded. Since 2001, annual federal forfeiture revenue has increased from less than $500 million to more than $5 billion in 2014 - a tenfold increase in just 14 years. And available data show forfeiture revenue across 14 states more than doubling from 2002 to 2013.
The study also finds that when police and prosecutors take property they overwhelmingly prefer civil forfeiture to its criminal counterpart. Civil forfeiture is easier for law enforcement because it does not require a conviction while criminal forfeiture does. Data obtained by IJ reveal that the Department of Justice took advantage of easier civil procedures in 87 percent of forfeiture cases from 1997 to 2013.
State and local law enforcement can also take advantage of a controversial federal forfeiture program called equitable sharing, which enables them to circumvent their own states' laws which are often less lucrative, and forfeit under federal law insteadgetting up to 80 percent of the proceeds back. Policing for Profit finds that DOJ equitable sharing payments to state and local law enforcement nationwide more than tripled between 2000 and 2013, jumping from $198 million to $643 million.
Several states have adopted reforms to rein in rising property seizures, but so far, Congress has not. In just the past two years, six states and the District of Columbia have raised the legal bar for forfeitures, requiring more proof of criminal activity before people can be deprived of their property. Four of those states now require a criminal conviction, including New Mexico, which abolished civil forfeiture altogether. And New Mexico and D.C. now direct all forfeiture proceeds to the general fund eliminating the perverse financial incentive to seize. Those jurisdictions have also opted out of the federal equitable sharing program, though the District's equitable sharing reform does not take effect until 2018.
At the federal level, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) in January introduced the Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration (FAIR) Act. The bipartisan bill would remove the financial incentive to seize by directing forfeiture proceeds to the Treasury Department's general fund, raise the legal bar to forfeit property, boost other property rights and due process protections, and eliminate equitable sharing. And earlier this year, both the House and Senate judiciary committees held hearings examining federal forfeiture laws and practices. The committees were expected to introduce their own bipartisan comprehensive reform bill, including abolishing equitable sharing, but have so far failed to do so.
In January, the Justice and Treasury Departments announced policy changes to the equitable sharing program purportedly intended to curb the practice. But IJ's analysis of DOJ data shows the new policy is unlikely to reverse the upward trend. It targets a small slice of the program, the federal "adoption" of locally seized property, and largely leaves intact joint task force and investigative seizures. Such joint operations accounted for 82 percent of DOJ equitable sharing proceeds from 2000 to 2013.
"As long as state and federal laws fail to protect property owners and give law enforcement a financial incentive to take property, civil forfeiture will continue to grow," said Lisa Knepper, an IJ director of strategic research and one of the report's co-authors. "The best solution would be to simply abolish civil forfeiture. No one should lose their property without being convicted of a crime, and law enforcement should not profit from taking people's property."
Every year, police and prosecutors across the United States take hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, cars, homes and other property regardless of the owners' guilt or innocence. Under civil forfeiture laws, the government can seize this property on the mere suspicion that it is connected to criminal activity. No charges or convictions are required.
Once property is seized, owners must navigate a confusing, complex and often expensive legal process to try to win it back. Worst of all, most civil forfeiture laws give law enforcement agencies a powerful incentive to take property: a cut, or even all of forfeiture proceeds.
This second edition of Policing for Profit examines civil forfeiture laws and activity nationwide demonstrating how financial incentives to seize property, in combination with weak protections for property owners, put people's property at risk. The report grades the civil forfeiture laws of each state and the federal government, documents remarkable growth in forfeiture activity across the country, and highlights a worrisome lack of transparency surrounding forfeiture activity and expenditures from forfeiture funds. Key findings include:
Forfeited cash and proceeds from the sale of forfeited property generate revenue for the government and provide an important measure of law enforcement's forfeiture activity.
Criminal forfeiture requires a criminal conviction to deprive people of their property. By contrast, civil forfeiture allows law enforcement to take property from innocent people never convicted of or even charged with a crime, making it easier for the government to forfeit property and harder for property owners to fight back.
This report's grades for state and federal civil forfeiture laws indicate the threat they pose to innocent property owners. Laws that earn poor grades provide law enforcement with lucrative incentives to pursue forfeitures and afford weak protections to property owners. High grades signify laws that limit or ban forfeiture proceeds directed to law enforcement and offer stronger protections against unjust forfeitures.
Equitable sharing allows state and local law enforcement to team with the federal government to forfeit property under federal law instead of state law. Participating agencies receive up to 80 percent of proceeds, creating a strong incentive to use equitable sharing to circumvent more restrictive state laws.
The Department of Justice announced new policies in January 2015 intended to curb one type of equitable sharing-federal "adoptions" of locally seized assets. But the changes and subsequent clarifications largely left intact another vehicle for equitable sharing—joint task forces and investigations involving federal law enforcement.
Poor public reporting about law enforcement's use of civil forfeiture makes it difficult, if not impossible, for lawmakers and the public to hold agencies accountable.
Forfeiture laws typically place few limits on law enforcement spending of forfeiture proceeds and impose even fewer checks to ensure that expenditures are proper or legal. Scant reporting requirements heighten the risk of abuse by shielding expenditures from public scrutiny.
Civil forfeiture laws pose one of the greatest threats to property rights in the nation today. They encourage law enforcement to favor the pursuit of property over the pursuit of justice, and they typically give the innocent little recourse for recovering seized property. And without meaningful transparency, law enforcement faces little public accountability for its forfeiture activity or expenditures from forfeiture funds.
The best solution would be to simply abolish civil forfeiture. Short of that, lawmakers should eliminate financial incentives to take property, bolster property rights and due process protections, and demand transparency for forfeiture activity and spending.
No one should lose property without being convicted of a crime, and law enforcement agencies should not profit from taking people's property.