New For-Hire Vehicle Rules Booklet in English, Spanish, French and Russian
The information in this guide highlights some of the changes recently made to the For-Hire Vehicle regulations.
For a copy of the complete FHV rules please visit our website at where you can also download applications, make appointments for the processing of vehicle applications, download a list of current licensees, attachments and many other items.
Most rules go into effect July 2, 2009 unless otherwise noted.
Off Street Parking Requirements
- Off-street parking requirements (OSP) for Livery Car Service remain the same as they are now. Please note that your OSP must be valid at all times during licensure.
Getting Suspended: Notification and Operation
- TLC will deliver a base suspension notice in person or mail it to you by certified mail. If the suspension is delivered in person it goes into effect immediately. If you are mailed the notice the suspension goes into effect 10 days from the mail date. You cannot dispatch while your base is suspended and you will be issued a summons for being unlicensed if we find you operating while suspended.
Base Fee Structure & Pricing
- You need to send us your list of pricing every year. You should send it during the month of the anniversary of your expiration date.
- Example: If your base license expires on July 31, 2012, you must send us a list of pricing in July 2009, July 2010, July 2011 and with your renewal, etc – even if your prices haven’t changed!
- If you have a livery base, you must give passengers the fare when they call for service.You cannot charge the passenger more than the price quote for their trip unless the passenger changes the destination or the number of stops.
A Base’s Affiliated Vehicles and the Drivers that operate the vehicles
- You are responsible for knowing the status of your affiliated vehicles and drivers who drive for your base.
A guide to assist with downloading and reviewing the TLC’s Current Licensee Lists on our website is the 1st attachment included with this reference guide.
- You can only dispatch vehicles that are affiliated with your base.The only exception to this rule is if you tell the passenger before the trip that you are dispatching a vehicle from another base and give the passenger the name of the base.
Terminating the Affiliation of a Vehicle
- In order to terminate the affiliation of a vehicle from your base, you must notify the vehicle owner of the termination.
There are two ways to do this:
You can submit a form that both you and the vehicle owner have signed.
- The *NEW* Termination of Affiliation Form is the 2nd attachment included with this reference guide and must be used beginning July 2nd, 2009. If you cannot get the vehicle owner to sign, you must give the vehicle owner notice in writing.A letter must be sent to the vehicle owner, using certified mail, to the address that matches the address of the vehicle owner we have on file.You will need to show proof you sent the letter when you request the termination of affiliation.
A *SAMPLE* Letter is the 3rd attachment included with this reference guide.
Temporary Decals Distribution Process:
- TLC Enforcement will be giving your base temporary decals to give to your affiliated vehicles. (For more information on temporary decals please see the Vehicle section, page 6).
- In Summer 2009, we will contact you to get you and your affiliated vehicles the new TLC decals. TLC Enforcement officers will visit your base to put the decals on your affiliated vehicles or we will mail them to you.
- If one of your affiliated vehicles does not get the temporary decals after your base receives them by mail or TLC Enforcement has visited you, you can send the vehicles to our Woodside facility to have the temporary decals put on the vehicles. You may only send vehicles to Woodside if TLC has already visited your base or contacted you. Our Woodside facility is located at located at 24-55 BQE West,Woodside, NY 11377.
• If you are a Luxury Limousine base owner, your affiliated vehicles are exempt from temporary decals.
• Your vehicle has to show the following three (3) items to passengers riding in the back:
- The Driver’s TLC License in a protective holder behind the driver’s seat.
- The Vehicle TLC License* in a protective holder behind the driver’s seat.
- The Livery Passenger’s Bill of Rights in a protective holder behind the front passenger’s seat.
You can only purchase the Bill of Rights from TLC-authorized printers.A list of printers can be found on our website
- If your vehicle is affiliated with a black car or luxury limousine base, you have to post your TLC vehicle* and driver’s licenses in the vehicle where passengers can see them.
- Your vehicle must have semi-permanent stickers (magnets are not permitted) on the outside of the vehicle with the following information:
1.The base name
2.The base license number
3.The base telephone number
- You can put markings on both the sides or on the back of the vehicle.
- For the sides, the letters and numbers must be at least 1 inch tall.
- On the back, letters and numbers must be at least 1 inch tall.
- All stickers should be below the windows, on the body of the vehicle.
- The stickers have to be at least 6” from the bottom of body of the vehicle.
- You cannot put any stickers on the windows.
- A Livery Vehicle Exterior Markings Info Sheet is the 4th attachment included with this reference guide
Starting September 1, 2009, If you are a new vehicle license applicant or change the vehicle on your current license (a vehicle transfer) your vehicle must pass a full DMV inspection at TLC’s Woodside facility.
- You have to get this inspection within 10 days of getting TLC license plates from DMV.
- Your vehicle (or its replacement) must pass the inspection within 60 days of the first scheduled inspection. During these 60 days, the vehicle has up to 4 tries to pass the inspection.
- The TLC inspection at Woodside will count as one of your DMV inspections.
- If the vehicle is model year 1995 or older, the TLC inspection does not count as a DMV inspection because TLC does not have the equipment to do a DMV inspection for these older model vehicles.
- Vehicles that have less than 500 miles do not need a DMV inspection at TLC but will have to pass a visual inspection.
- Starting September 1, 2009, if you submit an application for a base or plate transfer, your vehicle has to pass a visual inspection at Woodside. You will go to Woodside to have your application processed instead of Long Island City.TLC will take care of your paperwork there.
- Starting February 1, 2010, you need to get a DMV inspection at Woodside to renew your license. The inspection at Woodside will count as one of your DMV inspections.
- Your vehicle has to pass the inspection by its license expiration date.
- Your vehicle (or its replacement) must pass the inspection within 30 days of the first scheduled inspection. During these 30 days, the vehicle has up to 4 tries to pass the inspection.
- The TLC inspection at Woodside will count as one of your DMV inspections.
- If the vehicle is model year 1995 or older, the TLC inspection does not count as a DMV inspection because TLC does not have the equipment to do a DMV inspection for these older model vehicles.
- Starting September 1, 2009, your vehicle must have three
- (3) current, valid and unexpired Commission license decals (stickers) issued by the Commission.
- One of these decals will be on the front lower right side of windshield where the diamond is now.
- Two will be on each of the rear quarter windows; one on each side.
- TLC staff will put the decals on your vehicle when it comes to Woodside for a DMV inspection or a visual inspection. Until then, you will meet this requirement by having temporary details (see below).
- Starting September 1, 2009, each vehicle must have one (1) current, valid and unexpired Commission license decals issued by the Commission. This decal will be on the front lower right side of windshield where the diamond is now.
TLC staff will put the decals on your vehicle when it comes to Woodside for a DMV inspection or a visual inspection.
Beginning in Summer 2009, the TLC will distribute temporary decals (stickers) to all vehicles affiliated with livery or black car bases.
We will give these decals out through your affiliated base.
- Each vehicle will be get two (2) decals that will go on each of the rear quarter windows; one on each side.You cannot put the stickers in any other location.
- If your vehicle does not get the temporary decals from your base and they have already gotten them from TLC, you must visit our Woodside facility to have the decals put on your vehicle.You can only go to Woodside if TLC has already visited or contacted your base.You can come with your vehicle to Woodside from Monday through Friday from 12 noon until 5PM to have the stickers put on. You do not need an appointment.We will only give you decals if your vehicle has a TLC license that is valid, up to date and is affiliated with a base.
- On or after September 1, 2009, when you bring your vehicle to Woodside for a full DMV inspection for a vehicle transfer or to renew your vehicle license, once you pass your inspection, we will replace your temporary stickers with permanent ones.
If your vehicle is affiliated with a Luxury Limousine Base, you will not get temporary decals. Your diamond permit on the windshield does not change. When you renew or transfer your vehicle license, you will get the newly-designed decals.
We want to remind you that if your For-Hire Vehicle does not have a partition, you must have a TLC-approved camera in your vehicle. Cameras will be inspected when we inspect your vehicle at our Woodside Facility.
TLC changed the camera specifications in June 2007.As of June 2009, the approved cameras are: Honeywell Fareview, VerifEye MKIV and the Cygnus Cygcam. (An up-to-date list of cameras can be found at all times on the TLC website).
Cameras must be installed by a TLC-approved installer.
A list of authorized installers is available on TLC’s website at in the ‘Safety & Emissions’ section.
Vehicles affiliated with Black Car and Luxury Limousine bases are not required to have partitions or cameras.
- If you are either an accessible for-hire vehicle or a clean air for-hire vehicle remember that you are required to display the Commission approved insignia which can be found on the TLC website.
- Beginning in July 2009, to renew on time and not pay a $25 late fee, we (TLC) need to receive and accept your renewal payment and application at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the vehicle license. You will need to pay a $25 late penalty if you submit your renewal after this time.
[EXAMPLE: If your license expires on 09/30/2009, for you to be considered on time, you have to give us and we must accept your entire renewal package and payment on or before 08/30/2009].
- You will be charged a late fee of $25 if your application is accepted between 29 days before your expiration date and the date your license expires.
[EXAMPLE: If your license expires on 09/30/2009, you will have to pay a $25 late fee if your renewal package is accepted between 09/01/2009 and 09/30/2009]
- We will not accept your renewal application after the vehicle’s license expiration date. If TLC staff has not accepted your renewal application by the expiration date of your vehicle license, your license has ended and you cannot operate your vehicle for hire. If you are caught operating, we will issue you a summons for unlicensed activity. If you want to operate your vehicle for hire in the future, you need to apply for a new vehicle license and have it approved byTLC.
- ** IMPORTANT: There is no more 30-Day Grace Period for vehicle renewals.We will not accept any renewal applications after the vehicle expiration date. **
- Renew early! If you do not renew early enough, you will not have time to bring in missing requirements or fix documents. Remember,TLC has to accept your completed application by your expiration date.We will not accept payments or any other part of your application after the vehicle expiration date. Also, please remember that starting February 1, 2010 your vehicle has to pass a DMV inspection at our Woodside facility by its license expiration date.
A penalty point is a point you get as a base or vehicle owner after you are convicted of a violation. Base licenses may be revoked if a bases get 6 points during the 3 year period of its license. (6-29(d)) Vehicle licenses can be revoked if the vehicle gets 4 points during the 2 year period of its license. (629(b)) When your base or vehicle license is renewed, you start your license at 0 points again for the new license period
License will be revoked if gets 6 points during 3 years of license (6-29 (d)) |
License will be revoked if gets 4 points during 2 years of license (6-29(b)) |
Affiliated vehicle has license revoked for getting 4 points (6-29(c)) |
Unlicensed vehicle picking up passengers (6-11(a)) |
Base is operating while suspended or expired (6-04(a)) |
Unregistered vehicle picking up passengers (6-11(b)) |
TLC has to draw on base’s bond for base not paying fines (6-04(e)) |
Vehicle has not met inspection requirements (6-12(c)) |
Base is operating from unlicensed location (6-06(d)) |
Vehicle has driver without current DMV license doing service (6-12.1(a)(1)) |
Base dispatches unlicensed vehicle (6-12(e)(4)) |
Vehicle has driver without TLC license doing service (6-12.1(a)(2)) |
All base licenses, including renewals, will last for 3 years. |
Black Car, Livery & Luxury Limousine |
July 2nd, 2009 |
External base markings |
Livery ONLY |
July 2nd, 2009 |
Interior vehicle markings |
Black Car, Livery & Luxury Limousine |
July 2nd, 2009 |
Vehicles will have 2 rear decal stickers (in addition to 1 front windshield sticker) |
Black Car & Livery ONLY |
September 1st, 2009 |
New vehicle applicants must PASS full DMV inspection at Woodside Inspection Facility |
Black Car, Livery & Luxury Limousine |
September 1st, 2009 |
Renewal vehicle applicant must PASS full inspections at Woodside |
Black Car, Livery & Luxury Limousine |
February 1st, 2010 |
We have created this summary of the proposed FHV Rules package to help base owners, vehicle owners, and drivers understand them. These Rules focus on base owners and vehicle owners.The purpose of them is to make sure drivers, vehicle owners and base owners are providing safe rides to the public.You will find that the penalties for some of these Rules are new.The most important change to penalties is the new penalty point system.The points are explained at the end of this guide. When a base or vehicle owner gets too many points, his or her license can be revoked.
When a rule says *(new)* in front of it, it is a new rule. The new section ends where you see the next * symbol.
Please note that this summary does not include all of the Rules that are being proposed. If you want to see all of the Rules, please read the entire package that is posted at under “TLC News/Proposed Rules”.
Base Licenses and Renewals
*(new)* Starting July 1, 2009, all base licenses will last for 3 years. New and renewal base licenses will last for 3 years on and after that date.* (6-02(b)(1))
Before a base is given its license, it must give the Commission a bond for $5,000. *(new)* Black car and luxury limousine bases will need to provide the bond for the first time when they renew. If any base receives penalties and does not pay its fines, the Commission will notify the base owner 30 days before drawing on the bond. Drawing on the bond means the Commission will take the amount owed for fines from the bond. The base will receive one penalty point if TLC has to draw on the bond.* (6-04(e))
*(new)* If you are renewing a base license, you will need to file a complete application to TLC sixty days (60) before the expiration date. You will be allowed to submit a complete application in the 60 day period before the license expires as long as you pay a $25 late fee. Once your expiration date has passed you cannot renew. If your license expires, you have to apply as a new base and cannot operate until your application is approved.* (6-02(b)(4))
If you are a new or renewing base applicant or are relocating or changing ownership of your base, you have to submit an application to the agency. If you have a livery/community car base, the application will have to include a business plan. Some of the requirements of the plan are below: (6-04(j))
- Business name, address, telephone number and contact information
- How affiliated vehicles will use off street parking location
- Number of vehicles affiliated with your base (or that will be affiliated if new)
- Business operating plan
- Rates of fare
- Number of trips dispatched a day (or how many expected if new)
Off Street Parking Regulations
Livery/community car bases will continue to be required to maintain Off Street Parking (OSP) as part of their new application, relocation or renewal process. OSP is mandated by New York City law through the New York City Council. (604(b)1))
If you are a Base Owner
You must:
- Get and keep a current license with TLC. (6-04(a))
Ask TLC’s permission to move your base location. (6-06(d)) If you don’t - or if you move to a new location without being approved, you may be fined, padlocked and/*(new)*or get 1 penalty point.* (6-22))
- You must not operate your base while it is suspended. *(new)*Before you are suspended,TLC will give you notice by certified mail or will deliver a notice to you in person. If you need to pay a fine, you will have 10 days to pay the fine before being suspended. If TLC delivers the notice to you in person and it is not for paying a fine, your suspension goes into effect immediately.* (6-04(a)(i) and (ii))
- *(new)*Use only one business name for your base. A base can add an additional word to this name if they offer the option of a higher class of service such as “premium” or “select”.* (6-06 (b)(3))
- Give TLC correct and up to date contact information (*(new)*including office hours*).(6-06(b)(6)) This information has to match what TLC has on file and use the same name you use for your base. (6-06(b)(3))
- Keep a record of all your dispatches. You can keep these records *(new)*on paper or electronically*. (6-08(f))
- *(new)* Livery/Community Car bases must tell all passengers what their fare will be before their ride. Once you tell them the fare, you cannot change it unless the passenger changes the destination or number of stops.* (6-07)(a))
Keep a list of fares in your base for passengers to see. (606(a)(6))
- Keep both sides of the street your base is located on clean at all times. (6-07(b)(3))
*(new)* Make sure your affiliated vehicles do not loiter or park illegally on the street your base is on.* (6-07(b)(4) and ((5))
- Make sure all of your affiliated vehicles and their drivers have current, valid DMV and TLC licenses. If TLC is does not provide you with DMV data on its website, you will not be penalized for not knowing the DMV status.(6-12(e)(4) (6-12.1(a))
- Make sure drivers of your affiliated vehicles do not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. (6-12.1)(a)(3))
- *(new)* Make sure all of your affiliated vehicles pick up passengers through prearrangement only for each and every ride.* (6-07(g))
- Make sure all of your affiliated vehicles and their drivers follow New York State traffic and parking laws when visiting the base. (6-07(b)(1))
- *(new)*All of your affiliated vehicles must have 3 new TLC vehicle permit stickers starting September 1, 2009 – on the windshield and on both rear quarter windows. (Vehicles affiliated with luxury limousine bases only need to have the 1 permit on their windshields.(6-12(a)(4))) You will get these permit stickers from TLC in the mail. (6-12(a)(2) When your affiliated cars renew or change affiliations, they will get these permit stickers from the TLC at our Woodside, Queens location and TLC will put them on the car.* (6-12(a)(3))
- *(new)*Starting July 1, 2009, if you own a livery/community car base, all of your affiliated vehicles must have stickers on the outside of the car (either on both sides of the vehicle or on the back of the car) that have your base name, base station license number and base telephone number.* (612(f)(1)(i))
- *(new)*You can only dispatch vehicles that are affiliated with your base.There is an exception to this rule when you provide wheelchair accessible service- see TLC Rule 6-07(f) – or when you dispatch a vehicle from another base and tell the passenger the car is coming from another base and its affiliated base’s name. *(6-07(j))
- *(new)*All of your affiliated cars have to show these things inside the car so that passengers can see them: (6-12)(j)(2) and (3) and 6-12(k))
- — TLC Driver’s License of the person driving
- — TLC Vehicle License (this is a new license TLC will give vehicle owners)
- — FHV Passenger Bill of Rights (livery/community cars only)*
Affiliations and De-affiliations
*(new)*Vehicles can only affiliate with one base at a time.* (6-11)(t))
*(new)*If a base is suspended for more than thirty days (30), its license has expired, or its license is revoked, all vehicle affiliations to that base will automatically terminate.Vehicles will need to re-affiliate with a different base that has a current license.* (6-07(i))
*(new)*If you are a base owner and would like to disaffiliate a vehicle, you have to submit a form that both you and the vehicle owner have signed. If you can’t get the vehicle owner to sign, you must give the vehicle owner notice in writing.A letter must be sent to the vehicle owner, using certified mail, to the address that matches the address of the vehicle owner we have on file.
You will need to show proof you sent the letter when you request the disaffiliation. The deaffiliation will be effective immediately.* (6-07)(h))
FHV License Applications and Renewals
FHV licenses are good for 2 years. (6-02(a)(3)(A))
*(new)*If your license is revoked, surrendered, or if the vehicle plates are surrendered before the expiration date, your license has expired and cannot be renewed.* (6-02(a)(3)(B))
*(new)*If you are renewing a FHV license, you will need to submit a complete application to TLC thirty days (30) before the expiration date of the license.You will be allowed to submit a complete application in the 30 day period before the license expires as long as you pay a $25 late fee. Once your expiration date has passed you cannot renew.*(6-02(a)(4)(B))
*(new)*Vehicles can only have one current FHV license at a time. If you submit an application for a license and the vehicle already has a current and valid vehicle license, the original license holder will be brought in for a hearing and his license may be revoked. * (6-11(n) and (o))
*(new)*If you submit an application for a new license and you had a TLC vehicle license that was revoked in the past, you will be brought in for a fitness hearing.*(6-11(q))
If you own a vehicle
- *(new)*Your vehicle can only affiliate to one base at a time.* (6-11(t))
- You have to make sure that everyone who drives your car has a valid and current license with the TLC and DMV. (612.1(a)(1) and (2))
- Your car needs to have valid and current DMV registration and TLC license. (6-12(e)(4))
- You can’t let anyone drive your car when they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. (6-12.1(a)(3))
- *(new)*Your car must be dispatched through your affiliated base for all trips.You have to make sure your drivers only accept trips by dispatch from your vehicle’s affiliated base.* (6-11(c) and 6-12.1(f))
- *(new)*You have to make sure anyone driving your car is not accepting street hails.* (6-12.1(f))
- Your vehicle must be inspected 3 times a year. (6-12(c)(2))
- *(new)*You must bring your car to TLC in Woodside, Queens to be inspected every time you renew or apply for a license.* (6-12(c)(3) and (4))
- Your vehicle must have proper insurance coverage at all times.(6-11(d))
- *(new)*Your license will be revoked if: (6-11(r))
— Your car does not have insurance for 60 days.
— Your car is not affiliated with any base for 60 days.
— You do not pass your inspection or re-inspection in 60 days.
— Your vehicle receives 4 or more penalty points during the 2 year license term.*
*(new)*Beginning September 1, 2009, vehicles will need to have 3 TLC permit stickers on them. (Vehicles affiliated with luxury limousine bases only need to have the 1 permit on their windshields. (6-12(a)(4))) Your base will receive these new stickers from TLC and you will need to put them on yourself.The stickers will show your base affiliation and VIN. These stickers are the vehicle permits and will replace the diamond. One will be on the windshield where the diamond is now; the other two will be on both sides of the car on the rear quarter windows.* (6-12(a)(2)
*(new)*Any time you do a transfer (base transfer, plate transfer, vehicle transfer) and submit a transfer application, you will need to visit TLC in Woodside, Queens for new stickers.TLC will put the stickers on your car at Woodside.* (6-12(a)(3) *(new)*Inside your car, you must have three items placed in the vehicle for passengers to see: (6-12(j)(2),(3) and (4))
FHV Passenger Bill of Rights (for livery/community car vehicles only) in a protective holder behind the front passenger seat
The driver's TLC license and vehicle's TLC license. TLC will give you this new vehicle license. Livery/community cars must place these in a protective holder behind the driver's seat. *
*(new)*Starting July 1, 2009, if you are affiliated with a livery/community car base, your car must have base markings on the outside of the car (either on the both sides of the vehicle or onthe back of the car) that have its affiliated base name, base station license number and base telephone number.* (6-12(f)(1)(i))
Vehicle Inspections
For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs) have to get inspected six times in two years.This means you have to get an inspection at least every four months. (6-12(c)(2))
*(new)*Starting September 1, 2009, if you are a new applicant, you will have to get your vehicle inspected at TLC’s Woodside facility within 10 days of getting your TLC license plates from DMV.The TLC inspection at Woodside will count as one of your DMV inspections. If your car is model year 1995 or older, the TLC inspection does not count as a DMV inspection because TLC does not have the equipment to do a DMV inspection for these older cars. If your car has less than 500 miles on it, it will not need a DMV inspection and will have a visual inspection only.* (6-12(c)(3))
*(new)*Starting February 10, 2010, if you are a renewing applicant you will have to get your vehicle inspected at TLC’s Woodside facility. The inspection at Woodside will count as one of your DMV inspections. If your car is model year 1995 or older, the TLC inspection does not count as a DMV inspection because TLC does not have the equipment to do a DMV inspection for these older cars.* (6-12(c)(4))
Vehicle Markings
*(new)*Starting July 1, 2009, all livery/community car vehicles must have the base name, the base license number, and the base telephone number on the outside of the car.* (612(f)(1)(i))
*(new)*Livery/community car vehicles will put the markings on both sides or the back of the car. For the sides, the letters and numbers must be at least 1 ½ inches tall. On the back, letters and numbers must be at least 1 inch tall.Vehicles may choose to put markings on both the sides and the back. *(612(f)(1)(i))
*(new)*Starting July 1, 2009, inside the car, the vehicle must have on display, at all times, the FHV vehicle license,TLC driver’s license, and for livery/community cars (starting June 26, 2009), the FHV Passenger Bill of Rights.* (6-12(j)(2) and (3) and 6-12(k))
Information TLC Will Provide
A list of current licensees is available on our website for your review.We list current licensees to allow bases, vehicle owners and drivers to check the TLC license status. (6-11(a))
*(new)*Every time an affiliated vehicle is convicted of a violation and gets a penalty point, the base will get a letter to tell them. (6-29a)) We are sending you a letter to keep you aware of your affiliated vehicle’s activity.When any affiliated vehicle gets 4 penalty points for violations, the base will get 1 penalty point.* (6-29(c))
*(new)*Penalty point: a point given against a base owner or vehicle owner after being convicted of a violation. Base licenses may be revoked if they get 6 points during the 3 year period of their licenses. (6-29(d))Vehicle licenses can be revoked if the vehicle gets 4 points during the 2 year period of its license. (6-29(b)) When the base or vehicle license is renewed, they start their licenses at 0 points again for the new license period.* SEE PENALTY POINTS TABLE ABOVE.
This document is intended only to summarize and highlight certain proposed rules governing the for hire vehicle industries and to advise licensees and applicants that significant changes to rules governing the for-hire industry [are being proposed/have been recently enacted]. As a summary, this document does not include every new or different requirement, standard, or obligation set forth in the [new/proposed] rules.This document is not, and should not be relied upon as, a full and complete statement of the rules, the changes to the rules, or of the requirements, standards, duties or obligations applicable to applicants for licenses or holders of licenses under the rules of the TLC. Applicants for licenses and holders of licenses are responsible for knowing and complying with the rules of the TLC.All persons are encouraged to consult the full text of the rules for a complete statement of applicable duties, standards, requirements and obligations.The rules are available at
*Please note that the information provided is only a summary of the newly passed rules. For further information on the rules you should visit our FHV Guide, available in ENGLISH and SPANISH, or by visiting the New FHV Rules Web site.
Q: Can I affiliate with more than one base?
No.Vehicles can only affiliate with one base at a time.
Q: How many times a year must I get my vehicle inspected?
Your vehicle must be inspected by DMV every 4 months, or 6 times in the 2 years of your license.
Q: How many inspections do I have to do at TLC’s Inspection Site in Woodside?
By 2011, one of your inspections must be completed at the TLC’s Safety & Emissions facility at Woodside. The facility is located at 24-55 BQE West, Woodside, NY, 11377. This inspection counts as a DMV inspection unless your car is model year 1995 or older. TLC does not have the DMV inspection equipment for these older vehicles.
Q: I am a new or renewing applicant. How will the new inspection requirements affect me?
Beginning September 1, 2009, new applicants must get their vehicles inspected within 10 days of getting their license with TLC.
Beginning February 10, 2010, renewing applicants must have their vehicles inspected at Woodside’s Safety & Emissions Division.
Q: How will I know when to go for my inspection
If you are renewing or applying for a new vehicle license,TLC will give you an appointment date and time.
Q: How long will my inspection take?
Your inspection should take about one hour from start to finish.
Q:What happens if I fail my inspection?
You will need to bring your car back for a re-inspection. If you are renewing your vehicle license, you have 30 days to pass your inspection. If you are applying for a new vehicle license, you have 60 days to pass your inspection.
If you fail your inspection 4 times, you are not going to be able to get a license for the car.
Q: I just bought a new vehicle through a dealer and DMV inspected it. I am getting new TLC vehicle license for it. Does it have to be inspected again?
Yes, but if your new car has less than 500 miles on it, you only need a visual inspection at the Woodside facility.
Vehicle Markings
Q: I am a livery car vehicle owner.What type of stickers do I need for my car?
Beginning July 2, 2009, your vehicles have to show the base name, base license number, and base telephone number on the outside of the car.
Q:Where do these stickers go on the car?
You can put the base stickers on both sides of the car or on the back of the car or both. You can also put them on the sides and the back.All stickers should be below the windows, on the body of the car.The stickers have to be at least 6 inches from the bottom of body of the car.
Q:What needs to be on these stickers?
The stickers have to display your base’s name, license number and phone number. If you chose to display the stickers on the side of your car, you only need to display your base name once on each side of your car.
Q: How big do the stickers have to be?
You can put the base stickers on both sides of the car or on the back of the car or both. You can also put them on the sides and the back.All stickers should be below the windows, on the body of the car. Passengers should be able to see the base information on your car easily from the street.
Q: Can I use magnets instead of stickers?
No.You must use semi-permanent stickers on the car.
Q:Where do I have to put the license and Bill of Rights?
The Livery Passenger Bill of Rights has to be in a protective holder behind the front passenger seat.The TLC driver’s license has to be in a protective holder behind the driver’s seat.
Q: Do I have to replace my camera?
TLC changed the camera specifications in June 2007. The approved cameras are: Honeywell Fareview, VerifEye MKIV and the Cygnus Cygcam.You must have one of these cameras and it has to be installed by a TLC approved installer.There is a list of authorized installers on TLC’s website at in the Safety & Emissions section. If you have not updated your camera yet, you need to replace it.
Q: I heard the City is reimbursing vehicle owners when they replace their cameras. Is that true?
No.The City had a program to reimburse vehicle owners for buying cameras or partitions in 2000.This program has ended.
For a full list of vehicle owner responsibilities visit our FHV Guide, available in ENGLISH and SPANISH.
Q:As a vehicle owner what are some of my responsibilities?
- Your vehicle must have a valid and current DMV registration and TLC license.
- All drivers that operate your vehicle must have a current DMV and TLC license.
- Anyone who drives your vehicle cannot accept street hails.
- Your vehicle can only pick up passengers through dispatch from the base you are affiliated with.
- Your vehicle must have insurance at all times.
- Drivers under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol are not allowed to operate your car and pick up passengers.
Q: How do the new penalty points work?
Penalty points work just like fines. If you receive a summons for breaking TLC Rules, you will get a court date, where you can tell your side of the story.The judge at TLC’s court makes a decision on whether you get a penalty point after hearing both sides of the story.
Q: How many points can I get?
If you get 4 points during the 2 years of your vehicle license, TLC will revoke your license.
Q:What do I get a penalty point for?
The chart below shows what you can get points for.
Your license will be revoked if you get 4 points during 2 years of license (6-29(b)) |
Unlicensed vehicle picking up passengers (6-11(a)) |
Unregistered vehicle picking up passengers (6-11(b)) |
Vehicle has not met inspection requirements (6-12(c)) |
Vehicle has driver without current DMV license doing service (6-12.1(a)(1)) |
Vehicle has driver without TLC license doing service (6-12.1(a)(2)) |
Q: Is it true that I’m going to get points for my driver doing street hails?
No, but you can be fined. The fines increase with multiple violations. For example, the 1st time a driver is found guilty of doing a street hail with your car, you will be fined $100. The 2nd time you will be charged $200, the 3rd time $300, etc…
Q: Is there any way for me to reduce the number of points I have?
Not yet.TLC is working on a program so that you could take a class and reduce your points.
Q: How long do base applications last?
Beginning July 2, 2009, base licenses will last 3 years.
If you are renewing your base license your base license will last 3 years after the expiration date.
Q:Are all FHV bases required to give a bond? What is the amount of the bond?
All FHV bases are required to provide the Commission with a $5000 bond.
Black Car and luxury limousine bases are also required to provide the bond to the Commission when they renew.
Q: How soon can I submit my renewal papers?
Base license renewals must be completed and submitted to the agency 60 days before the base licenses expiration date.
If you complete and submit the application or renewal papers after 60 days and before your license expires, you will be charged $25.
If you submit a renewal after the expiration date you will not be able to renew your base application and you base must stop operating.You will have to apply as a new base.
Off Street Parking
Q:Are my off street parking (OSP) requirements going to change?
No, bases will continue to be required to maintain OSP. OSP is mandated by New York City law through the New York City Council.
Q: How do the new penalty points work?
Penalty points work just like fines. If you receive a summons for breaking TLC Rules, you will get a court date, where you can tell your side of the story.The judge at TLC’s court makes a decision on whether you get a penalty point after hearing both sides of the story.
Q: How many points can I get?
If you get 6 points during the 3 years of your base license, TLC will revoke your license.
Q:What do I get a penalty point for?
The chart below shows what you can get points for.
Q: Is there any way for me to reduce the number of points I have?
Not yet.TLC is working on a program so that you could take a class and reduce your points.
Your license will be revoked if your base gets 6 points during 3 years of license (6-29 (d)) |
Affiliated vehicle has license revoked for getting 4 points (6-29(c)) |
Base is operating while suspended or expired (6-04(a)) |
TLC has to draw on base’s bond for base not paying fines (6-04(e)) |
Base is operating from unlicensed location (6-06(d)) |
Base dispatches unlicensed vehicle (6-12(e)(4)) |
Base Owner Requirements
For a full list of base owner responsibilities visit our FHV Guide, available in ENGLISH and SPANISH.
- Inform TLC if you plan on moving your base location.
- Do not operate your base if your license has been suspended.
- You can only use one business name for you base.
- You must provide TLC with current and valid contact information, including all customer solicitation contacts.
- Keep a list of fares for passengers to see.
- Keep records of your trip data.
- Give passengers the price of their trip when they call to arrange for service.
- Make sure drivers of affiliated vehicles don’t litter around your base or create noise or neighborhood disturbances.
- Make sure your affiliated vehicles don’t loiter or park illegally.
- Make sure affiliated vehicles do not practice illegal street hail activity.
- Only dispatch vehicles affiliated with your base.
For base and vehicle owners (livery and black car only):
Starting summer 2009, you will be required to display these decals on both of the rear quarter windows—one on each window.
These stickers show passengers that your vehicle is properly licensed by the TLC. We will distribute these to you through your affiliated base this summer.
- Your car must have semi-permanent stickers (magnets are not permitted) on the outside of the car.
- All stickers should be below the windows, on the body of the car.
- The stickers have to be at least 6" from the bottom of body of the car.
- You cannot put any stickers on the windows.
- You can put the stickers in one (1) of two (2) places (or both if you choose).
1. Both sides of the car (both sides are required if you put them here)
2. On the back of the car
For livery vehicle owners
Starting July 2nd, 2009, the new for-hire vehicle rules will require you to display the Livery Passenger’s Bill of Rights (pictured below) in a protective holder behind the front passenger seat. You will be able to purchase the Bill of Rights from this list of authorized printers. However, you do not have to purchase the protective holder from an authorized printer.
For authorized printers
In order to legally print the new Livery Passenger’s Bill of Rights for licensed livery vehicles, you must print out two copies of the Memorandum of Understanding, a legal agreement between you and the TLC.
The agreement states that you are subject to applicable copyright and trademark laws, and that you must use the email containing the Livery Passenger’s Bill of Rights for the sole purpose of providing it to licensed liveries. You may wish to have your attorney review the agreement before you sign it.
Please sign both original copies, and forward them to NYC TLC, 40 Rector Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10006 to the attention of the Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs. Once we receive the agreement, an email containing the Livery Passenger’s Bill of Rights will be sent to you.
The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) announces that it is suspending the implementation of the lease cap decrease approved on March 26, 2009 until further notice. It had been anticipated that the decrease would go into effect as of July 1, 2009.
The $4 lease cap decrease for non-hybrid/non-clean diesel taxicabs is suspended until further notice. *The $3 increase for hybrid/clean diesel taxicabs was implemented as planned on May 1, 2009 and remains in effect. The lease cap modifications authorize an increase in the lease cap for approved hybrid and clean diesel vehicles of $3 per 12 hour shift. Lease caps for accessible vehicles are unchanged.
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