compensation insurance covers the cost of medical care and rehabilitation
for workers injured on the job. It also compensates them for lost wages
and provides death benefits for their dependents if they are killed
in work related accidents, including terrorist attacks.
compensation systems vary from state to state. State statutes and court
decisions control many aspects including the handling of claims, the
evaluation of impairment and settlement of disputes, the amount of benefits
injured workers receive and the strategies used to control costs.
compensation costs are one of the many factors that influence businesses
to expand or relocate in a state generating jobs. When premiums rise
sharply, legislators often call for reforms. The last round of widespread
reform legislation started in the late 1980s. In general, the reforms
enabled employers and insurers to better control medical care costs
through coordination and oversight of the treatment plan and return-to-work
process and to improve workplace safety. Some states are now approaching
a crisis once again as new problems arise.
- New
York: After many failed attempts to revamp the state’s workers
compensation system, business and labor representatives reached a
landmark agreement on a bill, S.3322, which was signed into law by
Gov. Eliot Spitzer in March 2007.
Starting in October 2007, workers compensation rates will
decrease by 20.5 percent, a drop that is expected to save New York
businesses about $1 billion according to state officials.
- Labor
groups won an increase in the maximum weekly income benefit, the first
in more than a decade.
Under the proposal, maximum benefits would rise each year starting
in 2008 from the current average of $400 which is less than 40 percent
of the state’s average weekly wage to $650 in 2010. The following
year they would increase to two-thirds of weekly earnings, the percentage
that the system has traditionally aimed to provide in all states.
Benefit levels after that would be indexed to the two-thirds average
weekly wage.
Employers will see a reduction in premiums despite higher benefit
levels, averaging 10 percent to 15 percent, due mainly to a limit
on the number of weeks an injured worker
workers can receive permanent partial benefits until retirement. Capping
permanent partial benefits is expected to save at least $500 million,
according to the governor’s office.
In New York State, workers with a permanent but partial
disability make up about 11 percent of all those receiving benefits
but represent 72 percent of benefit costs industry experts say. Additional
savings would come from strengthening antifraud measures. Some employers
do not accurately report the number of workers on the payroll or the
kind of work they do and a fee schedule for pharmaceuticals, diagnostic
tests and medical equipment.
- In
conjunction with the new law, the Governor issued several regulatory
and administrative directives designed to provide policymakers with
better data on injuries and claims, streamline the claims review process,
develop objective medical guidelines for health care professionals
and ensure that rates realistically reflect the impact of the reforms.
- Delaware: In January 2007 the Delaware legislature passed SB1, a measure intended
to make the state a more attractive place to do business by lowering
workers compensation insurance premiums. The reforms are expected
to save employers from 15 to 21 percent of current costs. The anticipated
savings will come from the creation of a medical care fee schedule
which will set out charges for treatment, and from the development
of health care practice guidelines or medical protocols for the treatment
of injuries.
fee schedules will be established by a 17 member panel appointed by
the governor which would include nine doctors. The legislation also
includes provisions governing lawyers’ fees in an effort to rein
in legal costs and ensure that injured workers are aware of the fees
and requirements aimed at speeding up payments to doctors. According
to industry experts, this is the first major overhaul of the state’s
workers compensation laws since benefits were first provided in the
early 1900s.
- California: Some labor groups have complained that the reforms of 2003
and 2004 have deprived injured workers of necessary medical care.
The results of a study, commissioned by the state Division of Workers
Compensation and conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research,
found that almost four out of five injured workers were satisfied
with the medical care they received from the workers compensation
system in 2005. Those who were unhappy tended to have more serious
injuries that required more visits to medical facilities.
A research professor at UC Berkeley’s Survey Research Center said
the results were encouraging because, despite the cut backs and subsequent
charges that workers are being denied proper treatment, satisfaction
ratios fell within the range expected for medical surveys. Doctors participating
in the survey said they were unhappy about the amount of paperwork they
are required to do and dissatisfied with payments received for services.
In response, the division has proposed increases in reimbursement to
doctors averaging 23 percent for most office visits and increased use
of electronic billing to cut down paperwork as well as a better reporting
- Workers
compensation costs are still dropping as a result of reforms. The
state Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau recommended a 11.3
percent decrease in “pure premium” rates for the second
half of 2007, bringing the cumulative reduction in rates since 2003
to about 50 percent. Pure premium is the cost of coverage without
any additional charges for such things as overhead expenses and taxes
and without a margin for profit.
paid $3.25 for workers compensation coverage for every $100 in payroll
in the second half of 2006, about 50 percent less than in the same period
in 2003, and insurers made an underwriting profit. Up to 2004, the insurance
industry had experienced a long period of underwriting losses ranging
in size from 4.4 percent of premium in 2003 to 47.7 percent in 1999.
- A
report prepared by the California Workers Compensation Institute on
the impact of reform legislation shows that in five of six types of
services there were fewer visits and lower amounts paid per claim.
The greatest decrease was in chiropractic manipulation and physical
therapy with the first decreasing by 61 percent between pre-reform
2002 and post reform 2005, and the second by 17.6 percent. Studies
by the state’s Division of Workers Compensation show that more
workers have returned to work after injury since the passage of SB
899 in 2004 which included incentives to return to work at the former
- South
Carolina: In South Carolina, where soaring costs have been
fueling large premium increases, Gov. Mark Sanford signed a comprehensive
workers compensation bill in June. The bill is expected to reduce
fraud and abuse of the system. Better medical documentation will be
required for repetitive injury claims to show the conditions that
produced the injury were work related and not just due to the normal
aging process and also for stress related claims. In addition, the
legislation closes the Second Injury Fund and requires insurers to
file data on their administrative costs with the insurance department
for review.
signing the bill, the Governor said that while the measure would remove
some of the subjectivity from the system, workers compensation awards
still fell short of being based on objective standards. The South Carolina
workers compensation system had become so expensive that insurance companies
providing coverage in the state were losing an average of 25 cents on
every premium dollar, industry representatives say.
- Although
the number of claims has dropped in South Carolina, as it has across
the nation, due to advances in technology and safer machinery, claims
costs (the size of claims) are rising. Workers compensation medical
payments are growing faster in the state than in most others. Attorney
involvement in contested cases is higher than average and it takes
longer to settle claims, according to NCCI Holdings.
- The
recommendation to dissolve the Second Injury Fund was prompted in
part by an increase of 38 percent in the amount assessed employers
and insurers to finance the Fund. Second Injury Funds were originally
set up to make it easier for workers injured at another place of employment
to be hired, see Background section, but have been eliminated in at
least 17 states, including South Carolina, following the passage of
antidiscrimination laws.
- West
Virginia: West Virginia has embarked on a plan to privatize
its workers compensation system. The state is one of five with a so
called monopolist state fund from which all employers, except those
that are self insured, must purchase their workers compensation coverage.
The privatization process is being phased in. A private mutual insurance
company was created in June 2005. Then, in July 2008, the market will
be opened up to private insurers.
- Nevada went through a similar change several years ago enacting legislation
to begin the workers compensation privatization process in 1999. It
now has a mutual insurance company. Some critics of the Ohio system, the largest monopolistic state fund, are urging the state
to reconsider privatization which voters rejected in a ballot initiative
in 1981.
- Before
the privatization plan can be fully implemented, West Virginia must
have a plan to pay off an estimated $3 billion in unfunded workers
compensation liabilities. Funding to retire the special revenue bonds
that will be issued will come mainly from raising taxes on natural
resource industries, personal income taxes, surcharges on insured
employers and the tobacco settlement. It will take 30 years to pay
off the debt.
- Other
States: In Nebraska, lawmakers heeded pleas for greater
stability in medical costs by instituting a hospital fee schedule
for the most common types of treatment for injured workers in the
state based on Medicare’s fee schedule. Nebraska joins 37 other
states that have established some way of controlling in-patient hospital
schedule, at 150 percent of Medicare, helps assure that injured workers
will continue to have access to quality health care while reducing
costs for employers. In Arizona, where labor representatives had considered
a ballot initiative, lawmakers agreed to a hike in compensation for
lost wages, the first in eight years. Passage of the law will put
pressure on all interest groups to find ways to offset the impact
of the benefit increase on the cost of the system, insurers say.
- Financial
Results: In May NCCI Holdings released its annual "State of the
Line" workers compensation market analysis showing that the 2006
calendar year combined ratio was 96.5 percent, the best underwriting
result in at least 30 years and the first underwriting profit for
the line since 1995.
Workers compensation net premiums written were $46 billion in 2006 based
on preliminary calendar year data, compared with $47.2 billion and $31.9
billion in 2005 and 2001 respectively. Private carriers accounted for
84 percent of the market, with the remaining 16 percent written by state
of the residual market continued in 2006, with residual market premiums
falling from $1.5 billion in 2004 to $1.4 billion in 2005 to a projected
$1.2 billion in 2006 based on policy year data. Much of the good news
can be attributed to reforms in California. Because of the size of its
economy, excluding California from those results would have pushed the
calendar year combined ratio above 105 percent, NCCI noted.
- According
to a 2006 report from the National Council on Compensation Insurance,
the medical care portion of lost time claims — claims serious
enough to require time off work — increased by an estimated
8.5 percent in 2005, a somewhat slower rate than in 2004 when the
medical care portion rose 10.3 percent. The average change for the
eight year period, 1997-2004, was 9.5 percent, compared with 3.9 percent
over the period 1992 to 1996.
compensation medical care costs have increased much faster than the
medical consumer price index in part because of the increased use of
newer, more expensive prescription drugs to treat injured workers and
a significant increase in the cost and utilization of hospital services
particularly for critical care and in the use of MRIs.
study by Liberty Mutual Insurance Cos. found that the average prescription
costs workers compensation insurers roughly 75 percent more than the
same medication costs a group health plan. Workers compensation lost
time claim frequency is still decreasing. Over the period, 1991-2004,
the cumulative change was 45.8 percent with a decline in 2005 estimated
at 4.5 percent.
- According
to data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners,
the workers compensation calendar year combined ratio, which represents
the portion of each premium dollar an insurer spends on claims and
expenses, dropped to 100.3 in 2005 from 105.5 in 2004, the best result
since 1997 as private insurers continue to promote the importance
of creating a workplace environment in which safety is a prime concern.
The combined ratio peaked at 117.3 in 2001 when World Trade Center
deaths and injuries contributed an additional 1.9 percent to that
year’s result.
- Workplace
Injury Rates: Workplace injury rates are now at the lowest level since
the agency began tracking information in the 1970s according to Bureau
of Labor Statistics (BLS). BLS data show rates for private workplace
injuries and illnesses dropped from 7.1 per 100 full time workers
in 1997 to 4.6 in 2005, the latest available data.
In 2005 a total of 4.2 million injuries and illnesses were reported
in private industry workplaces, down from 4.3 million in 2003; about
2.2 million of these required days off work or restricted duties.
incidence rate for lost workday cases has declined steadily from 4.1
cases per 100 full time workers in 1990 to 2.4 cases per 100 employees
in 2005, the lowest figure on record. BLS data also shows that 5,702
workers were killed in on-the job-accidents in 2005 of which one quarter
were caused by highway motor vehicle accidents.
- A
study by the NCCI on claim frequency found that between 1997 and 2006,
claims per 100 workers dropped from 1.7 to 1.1 while the size of indemnity
and medical care claims rose. Annual increases in medical care costs
per claim have averaged 8.5 percent over the past five years, down
from 10.3 percent between 1997 and 2001. The estimate for 2006 is
7.5 percent.
found that claim frequency had declined in all sizes of business, types
of injury and regions. However, there was a major difference in the
frequency rate between the voluntary and residual markets. Frequency
was 24 percent higher in the residual market for claims that cost less
than $25,000 and more than double for claims greater than $50,000.
Workers Compensation Social Contract: The industrial expansion that
took place in the United States during the 19th century was accompanied
by a significant increase in workplace accidents. At that time, the
only way injured workers could obtain compensation was to sue their
employers for negligence. Proving negligence was a costly, time consuming
effort, and often the court ruled in favor of the employer. But by the
early 1900s, a state-by-state pattern of legislative proposals designed
to compensate injured workers had begun to emerge.
enacted the first permanent workers compensation law in 1911 (New York
had enacted a law a year earlier but it was found unconstitutional),
and by 1920 all but eight states had enacted similar laws. By 1949 all
states had a workers compensation system that provided compensation
to workers hurt on the job, regardless of who was at fault.
costs of medical treatment and wage loss benefits were the responsibility
of the employer. As part of the compromise that made the employer liable
for work related injury and disease costs regardless of fault, the employee
gave up the right to sue the employer for injuries caused by the employer's
scope of workers compensation coverage has broadened considerably since
its early beginnings. In 1972, states amended their laws to meet performance
standards recommended by the National Commission on State Workmen's
Compensation Laws. Many states took action not only to expand benefits
but also to make the coverage applicable to classifications of employees
not previously covered.
addition, new federal programs were developed to protect workers not
already covered by state workers compensation systems. For example,
the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers Compensation Act provides coverage
for certain maritime employees and the Federal Employees' Compensation
Act protects workers hired by the U.S. government.
compensation levels are not uniform. In some states benefits are still
inadequate while in others they are overly generous. Some states have
been slow to adopt the commission's guidelines and have still not embraced
the entire package of 19 recommendations. Many states exempt employers
with only a few workers (fewer than five, four or three, depending on
the state) from mandatory coverage laws.
major benefits issue still to be resolved in some states is the imbalance
between levels of compensation for various degrees of impairment; permanent
partial disabilities tend to be overcompensated and permanent total
disability undercompensated.
can purchase workers compensation coverage from private insurance companies
or state run workers agencies known as state funds. In 14 states, state
funds compete with private insurers (competitive funds) and, in five
states, the state is the sole provider of workers compensation insurance.
However, West Virginia, one of the five, is in the process of privatizing
its system. (See list at the end of Recent Development section of this
funds also function as the insurer of last resort for businesses that
have difficulty getting coverage in the open market. The only state
in which workers compensation coverage is truly optional is Texas, where
about one third of the state’s employers are so called nonsubscribers
– 37 percent in 2006. Those that opt out of the system can be
sued by employees for failure to provide a safe workplace. The nonsubscribers
tend to be smaller companies. Only 23 percent of the state’s workers
were employed by nonsubscribers in 2006.
businesses finance their own workplace injury benefits through a system
known as self insurance. Large organizations with many employees can
often estimate the cost of routine types of injuries. Self insurance
along with large deductibles which are in effect self insurance now
account for more than one-third of traditional market premium. Put another
way, workers compensation accounts for more than 40 percent of the alternative
market, see also report on captives.
that self insure their workers compensation losses must prove that they
are financially able to do so. They usually protect their assets by
purchasing insurance coverage for catastrophic losses or losses in excess
of a specific threshold.
on sources of workers compensation benefits presented in the 2006 November/December
issue of Workers Compensation Policy Review show the relative size of
the different segments. In 2004, just over half of benefits (50.6 percent)
were paid by private insurers with the other half coming from state
funds (19.7 percent) federal programs (5.8 percent) and self insured
employers (23.8 percent).
the System Works: About nine out of 10 people in the nation’s
workforce are protected by workers compensation insurance which is compulsory
for nearly all employees in all states with the exception of Texas.
Laws vary by state for domestic workers. Please see chart.
compensation systems are administered by the individual states, generally,
by commissions or boards whose responsibility it is to ensure compliance
with the laws, investigate and decide disputed cases and collect data.
In most states employers are required to keep records of accidents.
Accidents must be reported to the workers compensation board and to
the company’s insurer within a specified number of days.
compensation covers an injured worker’s medical care and attempts
to cover his or her economic loss This
includes loss of earnings and the extra expenses associated with the
workers receive all medically necessary and appropriate treatment from
the first day of injury or illness and rehabilitation where the disability
is severe. To rein in expenditures and improve cost effectiveness, many
states have adopted cost control measures including treatment guidelines
that spell out acceptable treatments and diagnostic tests for specific
injuries, such as lower back injuries and fee schedules that set maximum
payment amounts to doctors for certain types of care.
claims are medical only but the lost time claims, those with both medical
and lost income payments, though few, consume most resources. Claims
are categorized according to the degree of impairment—partial
or total disability—and whether the impairment is permanent or
temporary. Cash benefits can include impairment benefits and, when the
impairment causes a loss of income, disability or wage loss benefits.
can be defined in several ways. Payments may be based on a schedule
or list of body parts covered and the benefits paid for a loss of that
part. For injuries not on the schedule benefit payments may be calculated
according to the degree of impairment or loss of future or current earnings
capacity sometimes using the American Medical Association’s definitions.
states pay benefits for the duration of the injury. But some specify
a maximum number of weeks, particularly, for temporary disabilities.
For workers with a total disability the benefit amount is some percentage
of the worker’s weekly wage (actual or state average). Cash benefits
may not be paid until after a waiting period of several days.
to Employers: Costs to employers include premiums, payments made under
deductibles and the benefits and administrative costs incurred by employers
that self insure or fund their own benefit program. In the mid-1950s,
private sector employers paid an average 0.5 percent of payroll for
workers compensation. By 1970 this figure was 1 percent.
costs escalated steeply in the 1980s to 2.18 percent in 1990 and then
declined. In 2001 they started to rise again. Estimates by the National
Academy of Social Insurance put workers compensation costs as a percentage
of payroll at 1.76 percent in 2004, up from 1.73 percent in 2003. However,
there is a wide variation in costs among states and industries so that
the highest rated (the inherent riskiest) groups could pay several hundred
times that of the lowest (safest) as a percentage of payroll. Also taken
into account is the firm’s own safety record.
compensation premiums dropped considerably from 1994 to 1999 declining
every year during that period by an average of more than 5 percent.
The favorable workers compensation insurance environment during that
time drew more insurers into the marketplace pushing rates down. The
discounting of premiums, in part as a result of high investment income
at that time, together with intense competition, reduced premiums by
38.8 percent over the six-year period.
contributing to the decline in premiums in the 1990s was growth in self
insurance and large deductible programs and, in some states, alternatives
to workers compensation such as combined health and disability policies.
Insurance, particularly commercial insurance, is a cyclical industry
marked by hard and soft markets. Premiums rose again starting in 2000
as the economy expanded and the hard market in insurance, when demand
outstrips supply, drove prices up. Premiums may have peaked in 2005.
Costs: As mentioned earlier, there are two components to workers compensation
claims costs: payments for lost income which is usually linked to a
state’s average weekly wage known as indemnity costs, and payments
for medical care. Two decades ago, indemnity costs made up the greater
part of total losses. In 1986, indemnity represented 55 percent of the
total. By 1996, indemnity and medical had changed places with indemnity
at 48 percent of losses. In 2006, as medical care costs ballooned, indemnity
accounted for only 41 percent.
in workers compensation medical costs has been much steeper than in
the health care industry as a whole. The annual average rate of increase
in workers compensation medical care costs was 3.9 percent from 1991
to 1995. Since then the rate of increase has more than doubled and in
most years was more than twice the rate of increase in the medical Consumer
Price Index (CPI).
Holdings suggests that much of the difference between the cost of a
health care claim and a workers compensation claim is due to the volume,
duration and mix of services used by injured workers and group health
claimants. Over the five-year period, 2001-2005, in the states in which
NCCI provides rate making services, workers compensation medical costs
rose an average of almost 10 percent while the medical care CPI rose
4.4 percent nationally over the same period.
while the size of claims (dollar amount) has been climbing due to the
increasing cost of medical treatment, the number of claims filed (frequency)
has been dropping steadily as insurers and their policyholders focus
on safety.
frequency of lost time claims—where the employee was forced to
take time off work because of the injury as opposed to just seeking
treatment for the injury—dropped by 48.9 percent from 1991 to
2005. NCCI attributes recent declines in the frequency of accidents
also to the use of robots which reduce workers' exposure to hazardous
activities; power assisted devices that reduce physical stress, lighter
and stronger materials and ergonomic design that reduce strains, and
cordless tools which reduce the incidence of tripping over cords. Frequency
declines which first showed up among small employers are now evident
also in large firms.
company financial results often report profitability in terms of the
combined ratio (the percentage of each premium dollar spent on claims
and expenses). The combined ratio for workers compensation is reported
in two different ways: by calendar year and by accident year.
2005, the calendar year combined ratio declined moving to 103 from 107
in 2004. The accident year combined ratio declined even further from
88 in 2004 to 87 in 2005 according to NCCI. The accident year combined
ratio hit a peak of 140 in 1999.
year results reflect claim payments and changes in reserves for accidents
that happened that year or earlier. Insurance companies have to set
aside reserves for accidents that have happened but where claims have
not been settled. Workers compensation claims may not be settled for
many years if the accident victim needs increasingly more treatment,
for example. Accident year results, in that they include only losses
from a specific single year, may present a better picture of the industry's
performance at a given point in time.
Costs: Workers compensation system costs are rarely static. Reforms
are implemented and then over time one or more elements in these multifaceted
systems get out of balance. Soon employers and legislators complain
that the cost of coverage is hurting the state’s economy by reducing
its ability to compete with other states for new job producing opportunities.
the 1980s, with a view to increasing competition within the insurance
industry to bring rates down, legislation was introduced in more than
a dozen states to change the method of establishing rates from administered
pricing, where rating organizations recommended rates that included
expenses and a margin for profit, to open competition. Now insurers
base their rate filings on more of their own company's specific data
rather than using industry wide figures in such areas as expenses, and
profit and contingency allowances. Rating organizations still provide
industry wide data on "losses"—the costs associated
with work related accidents, which help small companies that lack access
to large amounts of data.
recently, states have begun to disband Second Injury Funds. Set up mostly
after World War II, these funds were designed to protect employers that
hire disabled workers from having to bear the full cost of the first
disability when an injury that further disabled the worker occurred
in their workplace. Many believe that these funds are now unnecessary
in that the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act has made
the protection they afford to disabled workers redundant. The Act protects
injured workers from discrimination by employers. About one-third of
states have repealed laws covering Second Injury Funds.
aim of the workers compensation system is to help workers recover from
work related accidents and illnesses and return to the workplace. A
fast return to work is desirable from the employer and insurer’s
viewpoint because this lowers claim costs but the worker benefits too.
Research shows that the faster the insurer receives notice of an injury
and can initiate medical treatment the faster the injured worker recuperates
and returns to work and the less likely he or she is to seek out an
attorney for help in dealing with a claim. Studies also suggest that
most people want to return to productive employment as soon as possible.
Electronic communication has enhanced procedures to speed up the "first
notice of claim" filing process to the workers compensation administrative
the past few years, many insurers have revamped the services they provide
to their policyholders to speed up the time it takes injured workers
to return to productive work. There are two important aspects to facilitating
the return to work process.
involves getting the most effective medical care as soon as possible
and reducing the emotional stress that may follow an accident. To help
get medical treatment to the injured worker faster, some insurers help
employers file promptly a "first notice of injury" with the
state agency responsible for overseeing the workers compensation system,
a step which triggers the claim process.
other is to encourage employers to improve communications about the
workers compensation system in advance of accidents. First, a person
who knows what to expect and who receives medical attention promptly
will recuperate faster and is less likely to turn to an attorney for
help — and second, when injured workers are off work, so that
they feel they are still part of the workplace team and are anxious
to return. Insurers have also strengthened communications among all
the parties involved in the case so that each knows how treatment is
aspect of the return to work process is successful reintegration into
the workplace. Insurers help employers assess the injured worker's needs
and capabilities and encourage them to let workers know, in advance
of any injury, that they will try to modify work activities to accommodate
those who are permanently disabled.
absences from work can have a lasting negative impact on a worker’s
future employment opportunities and thus in their economic well being.
A study of injured workers in Wisconsin by the Workers Compensation
Research Institute found that the duration of time off work and periods
of subsequent unemployment are lower for injured workers who return
to their pre-injury employer than for those who change employers.
factor pushing up costs in some states is the amount of attorney involvement.
Workers compensation programs were originally intended to be "no-fault"
systems and therefore litigation free. Attorney fees are either set
by law or subject to approval of the courts or regulator. Computations
may be based on an hourly rate, a percentage of the total award, a specific
percentage according to the level of the hearing on the case, or a sliding
scale with percentages decreasing with the size of the award. Many states
have caps on attorney fees.
attorney involvement boosts claim costs by 12 to 15 percent, because
claimants must pay attorneys' fees there is generally no net gain in
the actual benefits received. Overall, attorneys are involved in 5 to
10 percent of all workers compensation claims in most states but as
much as 20 percent in systems where the number of disputes is high and
roughly a third of claims where the worker was injured seriously.
involvement of an attorney does not necessarily indicate formal litigation
proceedings. Sometimes, injured workers turn to attorneys to help them
negotiate what they believe is a confusing and complex system. Increasingly,
states are trying to make the system easier to understand and to use.
workers compensation system plays a major role in improving workplace
safety. An employer's workers compensation premium reflects the relative
hazards to which workers are exposed and the employer's claim record.
one-half of states allow what is known as "schedule rating,"
a discount or rate credit for superior workplace safety programs. In
addition, a majority of states now provide for optional medical deductibles
in workers compensation insurance policies as a cost saving measure
and, in some states, allowable deductible amounts were raised. Deductibles
reduce premiums because they lower an insurer's administrative expenses,
which, for small claims, make up a disproportionately large portion
of the cost of settlement. Deductibles also encourage greater safety
consciousness on the part of the employer who must pay the deductible
some states, insurers must provide accident prevention services to employers.
In others, employers are required by law to set up safety committees
and other programs to deal with unsafe conditions in the workplace and
assign specific responsibility for creating, monitoring or overseeing
workplace safety to a governmental agency.
businesses are taking a more radical approach to bringing costs under
control through coordination of workers compensation, health care and
disability benefit plans. The integration of workers compensation and
other employee benefit programs is a broad concept that ranges from
a simple marketing approach that promises savings from using the same
insurer for both coverages to programs that offer a managed care approach
to the management of all types of disability regardless of whether they
are work related.
limiting overlapping programs and streamlining administration, proponents
say such a change addresses the increasing difficulty of distinguishing
between work and nonwork related injuries and illnesses such as injuries
due to repetitive motion and stress claims. It also improves productivity
since nonwork related disabilities are managed with the same focus of
getting the employees back to work as work related cases, and at the
same time addresses the potential for reporting injuries that occur
outside the workplace as work related to reduce the employee's out of
pocket costs. Workers compensation pays for all reasonable medical treatment
without deductibles and co-payments, as opposed to health care, where
the policy holder incurs some out of pocket costs.
Markets: Residual markets, traditionally the market of last resort,
are administered by NCCI in 29 jurisdictions. In some states, particularly
where rates in the voluntary market are inadequate, the residual market
provides coverage for a large portion of policyholders and, in 1993,
represented about 26.5 percent of the total workers compensation market
(excluding employers who are self insured). Since that time, NCCI has
taken steps to reduce the size of the residual market by creating financial
disincentives to obtain coverage from it.
Coverage: Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 workers
compensation insurers have been taking a closer look at their exposures
to catastrophes, both natural and man made. According to a report by
Risk Management Solutions, if the earthquake that shook San Francisco
in 1906 were to happen today, it could cause as many as 78,000 injuries,
5,000 deaths and over $7 billion in workers compensation losses.
compensation claims for terrorism could cost an insurer anywhere from
$300,000 to $1 million per employee depending on the state. As a result,
firms with a concentration of employees in a single building in major
metropolitan areas such as New York or near a “trophy building”
are now considered high risk, a classification that used to apply only
to people in dangerous jobs such as roofing.
with the possibility of a huge death toll costing millions of dollars
and the threat of insolvency as a result, all but the largest insurers
are limiting coverage. This is forcing some employers to raise their
deductibles, in effect self insuring part of the risk, and to deal with
several insurers to reduce the potential maximum loss for each.
Issues Report, a yearly overview of the workers compensation system,
National Council on Compensation Insurance.
Insurance Facts," Insurance Information Institute, annual publication.
of Workers' Compensation Laws," U.S. Chamber of Commerce, annual
from the Workers Compensation Research Institute, Cambridge, MA.
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